I'm sitting on the computer listening to the pitter patter of feet above my head. M is up on the roof removing Christmas lights because the rains are coming and he's had a moment of feeling ok enough to do it. He's still pretty miserable and will hit the couch when he is done.
Alex got a haircut this morning and just left to 'chill' with our neighbor, Kyle. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to clean up the bathroom before leaving, so there is a rather large basket of clothes waiting to be folded when he comes back.
Matthew, who was up later than late, just came out of his room.
Brian is out playing with the neighborhood kids. Who would've thought a Pogo stick could be such a versatile thing...it's currently in the tree with bungee cords and a skateboard. I am choosing to not know. Or ask.
I have already done lots of laundry, though I'm getting a break on folding (see Alex, above) and I've cleaned the kitchen twice. Must be a houseful of boys at home.
Mollie is sleeping. Maggie is yowling. Here we go again.
I am still trying to figure out what day of the week it is, though for this week I can coast. It's kinda nice...
So, onto my resolutions. I'm married to someone who doesn't make New Years resolutions, but he likes to listen to mine and never once reminds me when I don't follow through. That means that he is either a really nice guy or that he doesn't hear a word I say.
That could open a mighty big door, couldn't it?
I'm going with the nice guy one.
So, for 2008, here is what I am going to try accomplish:
- take a walk on the beach at least once a month.
- shop at my local farmers market. often.
- get organized. stay organized. small house = clutter really fast. no more stuffing, shoving, hiding, packing away. purge is the word, which brings me to...
- conquer the attic. our attic is a walk-up and is the whole length and width of our house. it's got a floor and shelves and is packed full of useless stuff. time to go. if we ever do the remodel, it will have to be emptied when they start. i do think that is the major hurdle holding us back...
- get back into a bible study. BSF, CBS...it doesn't matter. A 'meaty' study. soon.
- enjoy change rather than dwell on it. our family will be experiencing a lot of change this year. i don't like change, but it is going to happen no matter what. know that God is in control and i am not. trust.
I've already made a pot of black bean soup for supper tonight and, not to worry, I've thawed some pork chops, too. M will grill them later and there'll be bread and applesauce alongside. Kind of a smorgasbord. I have yet to venture out to the store except to pick up milk and juice and we are running pretty low on everything, so I guess I'll have to go tomorrow. Happiness, harmony and hunger do not go hand in hand.
I would like to take a walk on the beach once a month, too. But, it's awfully cold in the winter. Last night it got to about O. Perfect beach weather! :)