I've got a houseful of fresh citrus lovers in our little house with the current fave being blood oranges.
They still shock me when I cut into them, but they are so sweet at this time of year...and packed full of vitamin c, which we are apparently in desperate need of.
(It's 3:30am and Brian just woke with a 103 fever. Sigh.)
Have you ever tried them?

On the flip side, my neighbor who doesn't cook brought over a 'meal' (her words, not mine...too funny!) while Michael was out of town and I had what Brian has (yes, we are absolutely pathetic around here) and was stuck on the couch.
Blood oranges and krispy kremes...food of champions.
Speaking of champions...hooray Packers!

I was sitting at my desk and glanced out the window just in time to see this little guy walking down the sidewalk.
Just taking a Sunday stroll, I guess.

That guy that I like so much made it home yesterday...even after I called and (for the first time ever) told him he might want to stay away.
We are, after all, dropping like flies.
But he likes me and his offspring, thankfully, and made it home in time to watch some football and man the grill.

It's now 3:40am and Brian is finally sleeping, so I am going to crawl back in bed, too.
In the morning...after the sun rises, I am going to open all the windows (supposed to be 75!) and disinfect this house and see if I can't convince these germs to leave. us. alone.
I hope they listen.
Enough is enough.