Monday, March 31, 2008

Pie Night

A night out with my very, very silly neighbors.

Very, very, VERY SILLY.

As I am home this morning doing laundry and cleaning house and paying bills, I am still laughing at just how SILLY they all are. And I will leave it at that! (hehehe)


I worked recess up at the school and in a few I am going to head out the door to meet a friend for coffee. Alex has practice after school, so I have a little driving to do, but other than that it's a rather slow day. M has a rehearsal tonight but the rest of us are home...supper will be linguine amatriciana (basically marinara, pancetta and lots of red pepper flakes) as requested by Matthew. Since the boys bathroom has been looking so great lately (only had to turn off 2 phones last week!), I am more than open for requests. Plus it's a quick one for me to put together. There's a chocolate pie for the troops, so that'll be dessert.

My dessert will be watching the Bachelor!!!


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Broccoli and Bach

Last night, I found myself sitting in my favorite spot at Nick's with some of my very favorite people...eating mussels (OK, so I don't eat mussels, but all my boys technically I just watch them eat mussels), eating pizza and chatting with everyone who works there and knows us.

Kinda like family.


We came home and watched part of 'Letters from Iwo Jima' but my tired eyes could not read anymore subtitles after an hour or so. Probably a good thing, cuz sleep was just what the DR had ordered.

Woke up this morning, got Matthew out the door to drum corps while the rest of us headed north to church. Drove home, made egg salad, and took Brian out to Nico's.

Bored yet?

Filled Matthew's car with gas and home to work in the garden.

Lots and lots of weeds but even more broccoli. I'm liking this whole broccoli thing!

M has been in the same spot since we came home...up to his eyeballs in Bach. Bach seems to be everywhere these days...he's in the car and in the house and in the backyard and in the shower. That's alotta Bach. I'm all for Bach, but he did write a really, really long Mass. In B minor.

M has yet another recital this afternoon. After he gets home, I am escaping testosterone-ville for's pie night!

Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have to explain a little about my last blog, especially since I have received 8 texts and 4 emails since I posted an hour ago. I shoulda put a smiley face in there!

The beautiful backyard is till there. The fabulous music and the twinkly lights and the 68 candles (yes, 68 candles) are still there. The great conversations and laughter will still be happening there.

Missing will be the multiple bottles of wine that my darling husband and I will be consuming. Alone. Or maybe it was the limoncello? Or the, big sigh, berry vodka? It makes for a rather rough Saturday morning, especially when you have a houseful of boys. Like I do.


So, no worries...all is well. Advil is a blessing.

I just got out of the garden and have just picked the most amazing broccoli you have ever seen....and you will see it when blogger lets me post pictures. Cuz I know how much you love my vegetable pictures. As I was downloading them, there were also some pictures of Alex doing a flying leap onto the couch. Looks like someone was having fun with the camera!

As for today, the scene of the crime, I mean the backyard has been watered and the laundry is going. Emails are currently getting answered and I still need to call Verizon about all the extra charges on my account. I was going to make a pan of brownies, but we're out of cocoa and I am carless today, so I'm thinking either peanut butter cookies or molasses cookies. Matthew drove my car to drum corps...his is fine around town, but I worry when he has to go that far. Alex and Brian are hanging close to home with me...they're playing wii together now. M is working, though he just called and wants me to go to a student concert tonight with him...and he's throwing a trip to Nick's in to sweeten the pot.

I will not be drinking wine.

Bye Bye

No more.

No more beautiful backyard.

No more 'let's open a 2nd bottle of wine' while sitting in the beautiful backyard.

No more 'let's open a 2nd bottle of wine' while sitting in the beautiful backyard under the heat lamp.

No more 'let's open a 2nd bottle of wine' while sitting in the beautiful backyard under the heat lamp, listening to really great music.

No more 'let's open a 2nd bottle of wine' while sitting in the beautiful backyard under the heat lamp, listening to really great music, talking and laughing the night away.

No more limoncello after the 'let's open a 2nd bottle of wine' while sitting in the beautiful backyard under the heat lamp, listening to really great music, talking and laughing the night away.

No more.

Friday, March 28, 2008

The Speech

Brian had to give a speech today.

He wrote it all by his little self and it basically talked all about how much he cooperates.

Sharing a room.

Sharing a wii.

Sharing everything.

So much little time. So CUTE!


All smiles!

I've been on the run all day to multiple cities in our county. I am home for the next few minutes and then I am off to drive the boys to practice. And after that? It's lasagna time!

That guy that I like so much...the one who brought me beautiful flowers last night just because, has been asking for a lasagna. And for him...the guy whom I like alot, I am going to make the mother of all lasagnas. Yum!

My plans for this evening are simple and involve a heat lamp in my backyard, limoncello, and ABBA. Gotta love ABBA. And yes, I've seen Mama Mia. And yes, I've loved it. And yes, I know it is coming out as a movie this summer and I am so, like, totally excited that I almost can't stand it. I just like ABBA that much.

So shoot me.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fun Lunch

Today was one of those great days.

I worked and then played.

I snagged my friend Tina and because we can never seem to find time with all of our children's activities and they are now in private school and our boys no longer play the same sport, deep breath, I made her drive Meals on Wheels (she LOVED my friend Josephine!) with me and then took her to lunch. Which she ended up paying for, so I guess she took me to lunch.


Tina is one of those friends who is gorgeous on the outside AND the inside. She is quick to laugh and even quicker to one point during lunch I thought, 'wow...this chick is MY friend.' She is just THAT she drives (rides?) a Vespa.

And now I want one, too, so I can be cool.

We met years ago when Alex and her perfect son, Kyle, were on the same, I believe, soccer team together. M and I had been told over and over by teachers, 'do you know the C family? You are so much alike....', but our paths didn't cross until the boys were in 2nd grade. We've had many a fun time on soccer sidelines and in basketball bleachers, but truth be told, I like her most because she has the most amazingly beautiful daughter...and a really, really cute husband.

=0)'s been awhile since we've had a chance to see each other and today was the day. I love the fact that we can just pick up where we left off...don't cha just love friendships like that?

So we sat and talked and drove and talked and ate and talked.

And then I came home and cleaned out the computer desk. It's amazing what you'll find in a years worth of papers....the best thing being 3 iTunes giftcards, all with money on them. Finders keepers!!!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This and That

I managed to squeeze in all my errands today, though I accidentally ran into Costco while hungry.

Never a good idea.

I had 5 things on my list...syrup, waffles, sweet potato fries, artichokes, and cat litter.

$307.00 and less than an hour later, I walked out.


In my defense, I did stock the freezer with 'teen' food. I highly doubt that we will need to buy canned peaches anytime in 2008. And those really, really cute shorts? Had to have 'em!

Came home and unloaded, cleaned up the cat barf, then met up with a friend for a walk around the lake, iced teas in hand. We actually walked it twice because we weren't done much to say in the 4 days since we had seen each other.

The bathroom rules are working well...this morning after they left for school, an actual guest could have used it. Perfect.


For supper tonight, I just made a huge pot of spaghetti 'gravy'. I had planned on making meatballs, too, but ran out of bread crumbs. $307.00 and no bread crumbs...go figure. M is going to see Chanticleer, so he'll dash in and dash out. Dash might be an overstatement...the guy that I like so much is exhausted, but it IS Chanticleer. Matthew has a rehearsal, Alex and Brian are home tonight...Alex has a lot of homework to catch up on, and I am looking forward to a hot, hot bath while reading some of the millions of magazines my sister-in-law brought over. Oh, and American Idol. Gotta watch American Idol. I'm loving this season...especially Brooke and Jason!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Out of Luck

Last night, we had a family meeting.

In the bathroom.

The following rules are now posted, framed, on the wall of their bathroom. Which also happens to be our 'guest' bathroom. Hence the need for a family meeting. In the bathroom.

And this morning, with waaaayyy too much pleasure...looky, looky what I found after everyone had left for school. See rule #4.

So, one cell phone has had its service suspended for 24 hours.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Boys Bathroom

Together, they are trouble.


Let's's Monday.

M has the day off, though he does have a rehearsal tonight. He's spent the better part of the day with his laptop, saying things to it in German. Things like, 'speak a little slower, please' and 'help me, I'm lost' and 'can you tell me where the nearest pub is?' All the necessary phrases. Choir tour is approaching...

I spent the day catching up on laundry and cleaning...everything except the boys bathroom. The word I would use to describe it is 'disgusting', but once all my boys are home that will change. It looks and smells like a locker room, but later today it will be fresh as a daisy. I can't wait. And I can promise you, it will never, ever look bad again.

Cuz I pay the cell phone bill.


It is an absolutely gorgeous day, yet again. All the windows are open and the air is warm. I love, love, love this time of year! My neighbor planted his tomatoes, so now I am feeling the pressure...maybe next week. Unfortunately, I have a mouse and there is only room for one of us...though I'm not sure who that will be yet...

Alex came home with his 'tribe', ate and now they are at practice. Matthew and Jenn are here, eating, and then they have a rehearsal. Brian is $5.00 richer...he lost a tooth last night and the tooth fairy was feeling very, very generous. VERY generous!
Supper tonight will be panini's made as everyone comes and goes. I've also put together a salad with mandarin oranges and candied almonds, with a sesame-rice vinegar dressing. I have a girlfriend coming over tonight, so I'll eat with her when she gets here. There is tons of Easter candy around...anyone want some?!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
(and a very happy birthday to my father-in-law!)

We decided last night to go to late church, so we had a rather quiet morning at home before hitting the road at 10:00am. Most were happy, though one was upset about the 'no jeans on Easter' rule. Church was awesome and we hung out after with bunches of M's students, catching up and meeting some of their families.

Usually on holidays, we have an open invitation to our home for the students who have no where to go. However, this year there has been so much going on that we decided to hibernate for the day, so for the 1st time in a long time, we have no plans. Just us. The house is clean, the backyard is beautiful, and all is calm.

The weather in our neck of the woods is absolutely glorious, with the highs reaching close to 90. M just left to take Brian swimming, I spent some time watering and weeding the garden, and the older boys are playing wii. Supper tonight is completely nontraditional Easter fare...grilled t-bones, baked potatoes, and roasted asparagus. And a pitcher of Sangria alongside. I had grand plans of making a cheesecake, too, but I'll save it for later this week. Instead, we'll have chocolate 'lava' cakes.

We still need to color eggs, too. They are ready to go, so we'll do that when Brian gets home. Lunch was a huge anti-pasto, eaten while watching Easter Parade. I love the salad scene in that movie...

Lots going on lately. Alex has been asked to play on a new, higher level travel team, so we have some decisions to make regarding that. M has some big things happening at work, which is making him toss and turn at night a bit more than usual. Matthew has chosen his college and the deposit has been sent in...and that school is Concordia. Seems he's come full circle and God's hand has been so evident all along. It's been an amazing process to watch unfold. He had his heart set on another much so that we paid for the whole year of his housing up front, but in the end it was just not meant to be. I have known that this would be a year of changes for our family, so on this day...this Easter, I am thankful for the one constant that we have on this earth...the cross. His life. His death. His resurrection.


Friday, March 21, 2008




More Flowers

The best $2.99 I have ever spent. It's a microwave egg poacher for my breakfast loving men-folk. Pretty cool. Especially the part where you 'forget' to poke the yolk before cooking and it explodes in the microwave...seems to be a trend.

The azaleas always bloom at this time of year. We always wish they were around at Easter so that we could enjoy them while sitting outside.

This year we got our wish.


Today we had planned on taking a field trip together...M has had a really long few weeks and just needed to get away. Change of plans, but we squeezed in yet another flower/plant stop...I am so excited!

Matthew over slept this morning...something he NEVER does. He was running around getting ready and saying that he was missing AP English and now he was going to miss all the notes and he was going to fail the whole class and not get his academic scholarship to college and never get to go and he'll have to work at a gas station and live here for the rest of his life.


Alex is home sick. He actually came home yesterday at break time. I was in a meeting so M went and got him and the 2 of them went to sushi on the way home. Cuz you should always go out for sushi with your dad when you get the chance, right? He's home again today, missing that music field trip he is supposed to be on. And he is so sad about it, too. Cuz we all know how much he loves them there music field trips.

Brian was needing a visit to the chiropractor, so I picked him up from school to take him during lunch. And in a moment of weakness, let him play hooky with us for the rest of the day. Yep, I'm one of those mom's today.

So, 4 of us are home. M is planting up a storm out back and I am going to head to the store while the boys are watching a movie. Tonight is church at 7pm, so we'll eat something fast here and grab a treat on the way home.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This afternoon, I drove Matthew to what I hope will be his very last college audition at our very own college on the hill. Popped in on my very favorite husbands rehearsal and asked him on a date.

And he said yes.

So off we went to our favorite little Mexican restaurant for happy hour.

God bless happy hour.

I'm thinking happy hour was started by parents who needed to get away from their children...hence the name. Happy.

Half price margaritas?
$1.00 fish tacos?
Roasted tomato soup?
Strawberry creme brulee?

After, we were so happy that we honestly thought about running away from home. But alas, the grandparents live too far away to come and kidnap the children. Nope...they are all far away. And happy.


While we were gone, boys 1 and 2 played wii...the whole time. Boy 3 did his homework, showered, and took care of the cats. That child is a keeper, but the rest are free for the taking. Absolutely free.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I had meeting after meeting this morning, followed by a fun lunch out with a friend, followed by a meeting and another meeting.


At least I didn't have to stare at the dishwasher.


Yesterday, in honor of St Patty's Day, I made the usual...corned beef and cabbage. My kids, who are HUGE pastrami fans, love corned beef. Personally, it's not my fav, but it sure is easy to make.

And for dessert? YUM, YUM, YUMMY pistachio cake with pistachio frosting. Someone snuck a rather large piece for breakfast this morning...

Supper tonight, since I have been on the go all day and Alex has a training session at 6:30pm, is TJ's orange chicken. With rice. And pot stickers. And green beans. And cake. And cake. And cake.


Way Too Early

"MOM!!! The door of the dishwasher fell off!"

breathe in

breathe out

breathe in

breathe out

Monday, March 17, 2008

Last Night and This Morning

ring, ring.

Alba, sounding out of breath: Michele? It's me. Quick...turn on channel 54. There's a guy on there who says we can be thin in 5 weeks. I just called Sheila...we'll talk later!

Me, turning to channel 54 and seeing a blindfolded woman eating.

ring, ring

Sheila: Hello?

Me: Hi, it's me. Alba just called and said we'll be thin in 5 weeks. Are you watching?

Sheila: nope...too many TV watchers right now, but I am taping it. What's it about?

Me: I'm thinking that if we eat blindfolded we'll be thin in 5 weeks...

insert lots of laughter here.

Me: Got any chocolate?

Sheila: I've got cake! Want some?

Me: Do I have to eat it blindfolded?

And that is how I scored some mighty fine chocolate cake last night while watching National Treasure.


This morning, one little boy decided to ride his bike the whole giant 1 block to school. Way, way too cute!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Last nights beef stew became beef bourguignon, complete with flaming brandy.

And yes, this was planned!


There has been way too much arguing amongst siblings, so I knew we needed a breakaway...and today was the day.

First off, church. It's Palm Sunday and this mornings worship was hauntingly beautiful. The story of Jesus and what is to come next week, complete with really, really great organ music setting such a dark mood....all the while the bright sun was streaming through the windows.

Like a light at the end of a dark tunnel....

After, Alex had a meeting for Confirmation. Once he was done, we headed south to our town, driving by all the strawberry fields.

Lunch today...The Counter.

Alex ordered a 1 lb burger...yes, that's ONE POUND. He ate 1/2 and brought the rest home for his before bed snack. The best part of all...sitting at a table with these 3 boys, who after a long week actually began talking and laughing together. We sat for over an hour and it was the best thing I could have ordered.

We dropped the boys off at home...the big boys are playing SuperSmash Bros. together and Brian went out to play hockey with his friends. M and I took off for the garden center and I am so's springtime! I picked up a few heirloom tomato plants and will begin getting my summer garden ready in the next few weeks. It's a beautiful, clear and sunny day...though a little on the chilly side. M's got the music on and is outside planting flowers...I think he is starting to relax. WooHoo!

Supper tonight? Who knows! We are all so full, so if anyone is hungry later I'll figure it out.


Saturday, March 15, 2008



As in, Super Smash for wii.

As in, my boys are ALL happy, all at the SAME time.


Brian had friends over and they played last night. Matthew and Alex stayed up until the wee hours playing...normally I would tell them to go to bed, but they were actually in the same room and no growls were heard, so I let them be.

Bonding over smashing things. I guess it's a boy thing.

The only thing missing is the head boy in our family...he has that thing called a job which is keeping him from home all weekend. At last count it was 4 recitals, a concert, preview day, and 4 hours worth of scholarship auditions. He keeps sending me texts that say, 'Friday'. Over and over and over.

I'm thinking that means he has Friday off, so I need to plan something fun. I'm kinda sorta leaning towards that place that starts with 'Disney' and ends with 'land'. A little Tower of Terror, a little stroll down Main Street, and a big pizzetta salad to share...

Yesterday was packed full of events, including the jog-a-thon at Brian's school. He's a squinter, like his mom...

Basically, kids run for 30 minutes and the school raises close to $30,000.00. Much needed since the state with the 3rd to the bottom lowest test scores in the nation is once again cutting programs for next year.

The elementary school and the middle school share a huge field, so I watched Brian run and Alex play in a 3x3 basketball tourney at the same time. Very cool.

After all the driving last night getting kids to and fro, to and fro, I sat in a chair with my favorite million dollar hairstylist, a glass of wine and said goodbye to 10 inches of my hair. Donated to Locks of Love. Kinda strange washing it this morning!

( one is home, so I had to take it myself!) is supposed to be rainy all day. So far no rain, but I am cooking a rainy day meal anyway. Beef stew, which I'll throw in the oven and let it cook slowly all afternoon. Matthew has to work a Bingo that he is 18 he can work his own, and he is thrilled. Not. However, he earns $40.00 a shift, so tonight he is working 2 back to back shifts earning money for his choir trip to SF next month. Yet another trip, yet another check...

M is supposed to pop home for supper in between a recital and a concert...I think he said he'll have 45 minutes off. Poor guy. Brian and I are going to Target...he has Christmas money to spend and we are out of cat food. Other than that, we're just hanging out today...seems strange with no basketball!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Beautiful weather, beautiful azaleas.


Yesterday was non-stop and by about 5 pm, I was in desperate need of reinforcements. Matthew was in an especially kind and caring mood, Alex chose to embrace his brothers kind and caring mood and Brian just never stopped talking. I even went into the bathroom at one point and he talked to me through the closed door. I had to pull out the old one interrupts the mom in the bathroom unless there is fire or blood.

M called on his way home and I told him I needed the Calvary to come and rescue me. He'd had a rough day and probably needed to be rescued himself, so I chilled a bottle of wine. I was waiting on the front porch, passport in hand, when he drove up in his chariot...he told me to climb in and he'd whisk me away, but 1st I should brush my hair and put on some lipstick.


Sheila stopped over to borrow a teaspoon of brandy. A teaspoon? A teaspoon! Watch out, you might get tipsy and not be able to walk home!


After a fast supper, M and I were out the door to watch Matthew's concert. I took tons of wonderfully blurry pictures, so just imagine him singing and dancing.

Came home and made popcorn...the real kind with oil and popcorn and a pot on the stove, though I now know why people everywhere rejoiced at microwave popcorn. Yes, the real stuff with real butter and real salt tastes fabulous, but there is now a layer of oil all over the kitchen. Plus, I am pretty sure the smell, which was wonderful last night, will never leave.

I'm on the run from 11 on today until about 7:30pm. Matthew has another concert, M has a recital (the 1st of 4 this weekend), Alex has basketball and then a dance, and Brian has a play date after school. Supper will be CORN - Clean Out Refrigerator Night!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Playing hooky yesterday was fun, but now I have a pile of laundry to catch up on. I've also payed the bills, answered a few emails, worked, met a friend for tea and shopped for a new stove.

Gotta love an oven that has a mind of it's own. The new one is picked out but will not be purchased until this one completely goes and when it does, I can just order it over the phone. I'm hoping that is in 5 or 6 years.


Last night, Alex was invited to work out with a trainer...a guy who is a former Harlem Globetrotter. Not only that but he has a terminal degree, which in the academic world is like an Olympic gold medal.

Which means he's smart AND an athlete.

Anyway, he only takes on a few at a time and he and Alex clicked. Alot. They talked dislocated kneecaps and broken hands and noses and ankles. Oh, and torn MCL's. All things they have in common. Alex loved it, saying it was the hardest work-out he's ever had, though in all honesty, if we had known how much it was going to cost we never would have taken him. But hey, he got 2 'free' t-shirts.

Ah well...

It is strange to have an athletic kid...the kind of kid who requires absolutely no nagging to practice. None. School is a whole 'nuther story, but give him a basketball and he gets this look in his eyes of pure joy. Will this be his career? I have no clue...he could quit for some reason or another in a year or two, but those of you who know him know that that is unlikely. I do know that for right now it is helping to form him into the kind of man he will be. It's teaching him discipline and strength. Mental and physical.

So, he'll train with John for 20 sessions over the course of 2 months. It's actually a good time...the regular season has ended and we're only in tournament play, but it still ups us to 4 nights a week of basketball. Again.

Tonight we are mostly home. Matthew has a rehearsal but will be home for supper 1st. It's a simple one tonight...roasted Italian sausage, potatoes and green beans, with some homemade bread on the side. And peaches. Lots and lots of peaches.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am playing hooky. Big time hooky. I am supposed to be at a meeting this morning but I just couldn't do it. I am currently in my pajamas, sitting at the computer, having paused the show Army Wives which I had taped on Sunday night. I plan on doing absolutely nothing all day, until 1:30pm. At that time I'll shower, do a 20 minute house clean-up and pretend like I've worked hard all day.


Tonight Alex has a workout with a former Harlem Globetrotter. He trains a handful of kids and a coach from another team recommended Alex after seeing him play last weekend. Should be fun, though I've been told he charges just under a million dollars an hour. That's perfect, because the moment you charge just over a million dollars, I complain.

Matthew's car is still not ready. They had to replace the hood of the car and they are having trouble matching the weathered white paint. I told them about my Uncle John who spray painted the hood of his car on the morning of my cousins wedding so he could cover the rust. While in his tux. So maybe they could try that?


Supper tonight will be scrambled eggs, roasted asparagus and some sort of muffins, either zucchini or banana alongside. M is feeling crummy, but he wants to take Alex tonight. I am supposed to go to a garden club meeting, which I will if Matthew is home. If he does have rehearsal, I could very well be back in my pj's by 5:30 pm...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Highs and Lows

High: Alex's team winning two back to back games on Saturday...and watching my son play so amazingly well. Really well.
Low: Losing two back to back games on Sunday.

High: Matthew auditioning and getting accepted into a music conservatory for next year, with the offer of free money. Out with one college, in with another, but he has found his place.
Low: Praying that the housing works out!

High: Grandma and Grandpa in town for Maddie's 5th birthday party.
Low: Having to miss her party because of the tournament. Love you, Maddie!

High: Lots of time with boys this weekend....together and separate. And one really, really late night fun talk with Matthew and Alex.
Low: a very snarky email from a guy at our church. I need to pray about it, forgive, and let it go.

High: The cat brought me a present...a real live bird, in the house, with only Brian and I home.
Low: see above.

High: My father-in-law, a paper towel and a lunch bag to the rescue.
Low: see above.

High: Brian worked on his book report all by himself, including the poster, and did an amazing job.
Lows: Walking him to school and seeing the other posters and remembering that no 4th graders ever do their own work.

High: Lunch outside at Ruby's with grandparents and cousins and aunts and uncles...and having the balloon guy come.
Low: When was the last time my family ate a fruit or vegetable?

High: A fresh pot of coffee on this Monday morning after this incredibly busy, but fun weekend.
Low: Realizing that even that pot of coffee isn't helping a whole lot on this Monday morning after this incredibly busy, but fun weekend.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Super Saturday

The newest neighborhood

I think one of the things I love about living somewhere for so long is that what comes around and goes away will definitely come around again.

We have a shed full of boys stuff from big brothers...including tons of hockey gear, which the younger crowd discovered in a moment of boredom.


Yesterday, my mother-in-law and I squeezed in a trip to Claro's...check out their Easter special.

Goat anyone?

I'm told it sells out, so buy early! thanks, I'm watching what I eat this year.

Last night M had his 'home from tour' concert and while I know I am biased, it was amazing. Brian spent the night at a friends, Matthew brought Jenn, and Alex brought cheez-its and capri-sun's. No kidding. His pockets were loaded with food, which he munched on through-out the night. He was STARVING, MOM! by the end, so Grandma and Grandpa drove him through the McD's drive-thru on the long 3 mile drive home.

Call him spoiled.


We came home to some Prosecco and the movie Chocolat, which made this morning come a little too quickly. Matthew and M had to be out the door bright and early for yet another audition, Alex has back to back to back games today and Brian is due home from his sleep-over at any minute. Matthew also has drum corps and we are all supposed to be at my nieces 5th birthday party, but I am running out of hours in the day.

And we lose one more of them tonight.

Sometime this weekend a confirmation paper has to be written, a book report researched and an unruly palm tree needs to be dealt with. I'm tired of being poked everytime I walk by and M is tired of bbq-ing frawns (is that what they're called?) everytime he grills...but bigger than that, our association is tired of it growing through our fence.

Now, trimming a palm tree is as much fun as playing catch with a bee hive full of angry bees, so we are content with being poked while walking by and grilling the frawns while bbq-ing.

But a letter from the association is like being grounded, so we are grounded until it gets taken care of...we'll be flipping a coin to see who gets the fun job.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Night Out

The girls.


Last night became a celebration night. Matthew had some great news and was awarded a rather large scholarship to a small private school...which basically means it is the same price as a state school, so M and I sent the boys to Chipotle and we went to Nick's.


With wine.

We spent close to 3 hours there, chatting with our favorite people and eating lots of food we did not order. That's what happens when you become a regular...old cook trying new things on old customers. It a word, perfect.

After, we stopped in at Pier 1 and browsed. Gotta love browsing at Pier 1. Dishes and candles and bath stuff...oh my.


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sunshine-y Day

My garden is loving this warm, sunny weather.

And so am I.


Above, broccoli, cauliflower and red onions. Below, lotsa sweet Walla Walla's.

The house is clean and the windows are opened wide.

Matthew has my car today. He's all over the place with choir and sectionals and a lesson. I am hoping that he is in school at some point, too. That child, I mean M.A.N., has a mighty fine case of senioritis. Just graduate, please.

Alex didn't start until 10:15 today due to 7th grade testing, so this morning made himself a grilled cheese, a quesadilla, 3 chocolate chip pancakes, and a bowl of Smart Start. With milk. And juice on the side. He also has a wicked case of senioritis and has since...ummm, 1st grade. Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat.

Brian has a birthday party tonight over supper time. I'm thinking I have all the ingredients for chicken scallopine and if the weather holds, we're eating outside. Off to bake some cookies, too, since all the girls scout cookies disappeared, mysteriously, into thin air...

Monday, March 3, 2008


The flu caught me this weekend and for 24 hours I felt as though someone had taken a baseball bat to my body. The only symptom I had was a fever and the aches, but I woke up this morning and it had gone.

Life still happens even when you don't feel great. Yesterday was a day full of basketball and sadly, the last games of the season for our team. They'll continue to play together...sectionals this weekend, state the next and then nationals if they go that far, and then will play tournaments until high school try-outs in June.

For us, that will determine where Alex will go to high school. I am praying it will be down the street, but it's all up in the air right now. Way up in the air, and you all know how much I love the up in the air stuff.

Ah well...God has a plan and he knows that I am not ready to hear it yet.

I worked this morning and then was picked up by a friend and we went to breakfast. She spent the weekend with Chelsea campaigning in Texas for her mother. This is a non-political blog, but I must say...she had an exciting weekend hobnobbing with some pretty big names.

SO, where was I?

fever - check
basketball - check
friend with exciting life - check I remember...while at breakfast, I received a call about a certain son, who once again shall remain nameless. Turns out we've let up an inch and he's taken not quite a mile, but close to a mile.


I am still waiting for the easy part with this child or am I just kidding myself? He is so fun, so easy going, so amazing...but from conception, he has not been easy.

But I like him, so I'll keep him.

Though at this exact moment, I would be willing to sell him.


Saturday, March 1, 2008


I am, without a doubt, a creature of comfort.

Today, this 1st day of March was one of those days that I love.

I slept in. Only til 7:30am...but for me, that is sleeping in. I got up and made a ton of pancakes for my family...this morning was a choice between chocolate chip banana and apple cinnamon pecan, minus the pecans. Turns out we ate them the other night with our brie.

Then, I went back to my bed and watched HGTV for awhile, napped (by now it was 9 am and nap time, thankyouverymuch!) and then watched The Millionaire Matchmaker. For hours.

Showered finally and made lunch for a bunch of children, most of whom don't live here...grilled ham and cheese and potato soup. Cleaned up AGAIN, then returned to more TV.

In between shows I did do laundry.

Tonight, Matthew is at a surprise party that Jenn is throwing for him at Nick's and Alex is at a birthday party. Brian is home with us and is helping make sure that our house doesn't get too quiet.


Supper was a grilled London Broil with Bearnaise, baked potatoes and roasted asparagus. There's a little berry cobbler left that M and I will share in a little bit. He spent the day burning tons of iTunes onto CD's...we now have an amazing party mix ready for a party.

I am now back in my jammies and we are going to watch a movie. I am not ready yet for this day to end...
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