Why is it that during the holiday season, all I can think of are the things I haven't done or accomplished or said?
I haven't kept an organized enough house. I haven't been a good enough mom, wife, friend, etc.
Basically, I'm questioning every. single. solitary. crazy. decision I've ever made.
Basically, I'm questioning every. single. solitary. crazy. decision I've ever made.
And let me tell you...it's exhausting being in my brain. I think too much, worry too much, over analyze too much. Seriously...I've been a basket case lately.
Part of it is the lack of any quiet space in my world right now. Alex is in week 3 of his recovery of his broken foot and for a kid who has spent his whole life finding ways to escape, he is now here all the time.
If I had known that a broken foot would have had this effect, I would've broken it for him while he was in high school. I would've slept more because I would've known where he was.
He spent the first week in pain. The 2nd week he was mad. This week? He's loud and funny and is driving us all a tad bit crazy. He's feeling good, has lots of time on his hands and has a bigger than life personality.
Pray for us...we have 5 more weeks of this.
So I hike. A lot. And pray. A lot. And cook. A lot.
And whine. A whole lot.
This weekend began with a big family dinner with our friends. We were all pretty worn from the week...nothing a little food and wine and a few rather rowdy games of Sorry couldn't cure. There were lots of boys here, too...wheelchair tricks and video games and when I went to bed, they were all involved in an intense game of Uno which went on and on and on.
Saturday was an errands day; Sunday was church and lunch and football.
The craziness begins this week: friends from out of town are coming; Thanksgiving needs to be thought out; basketball season begins. But most important on my calendar? Scheduled in quiet time to pray; to read God's word; to regroup and refocus.