In the last week we've been reintroduced to schedules and structure...I'm not complaining because for as much as I thrive on the freedom that summer brings, I also like the routine of having regular supper times and bedtimes.
I have a dual personality.
I remember when my boys were small and I would day dream about quiet and would relish in those moments where I could sneak in a quick afternoon espresso or tea or diet coke...but even now that my boys are big, I find it is just as important to take those moments and just be.
To recharge. Refocus. Say thanks.
Saturday morning a storm rolled through southern California...a THUNDER storm (we don't have thunder out here. I KNOW...isn't that weird?) and as I was huddled on my couch with a blanket listening to the majesty of it, I had to laugh when the warning came on the television.
Us SoCal'ers can be a tad bit dramatic.
Once the storm blew over, that guy that I like so much and I hung out in our little garden playing cribbage and sipping cocktails...we had boys milking this weekend for every second they could as it's the last one before real life knocks us for a loop (basketball season starts next weekend!) so they were in an out. And in an out.
We both worked, inputting school and sports and work schedules into my computer calendar and that guy that I like so much preparing a big lecture on Berliotz (whose music gives me goosebumps), but it was nice to be sitting outside and working on stuff at the same time.
And throwing in a game or two of cribbage...and yeppers, those were really our hands! I didn't notice until just now... =0)
This little house on my little street needs a scouring. I am training lots of new crossing guards this week, making cookies for a rehearsal tonight, figuring out how to stretch the groceries until payday, removing the old tomato plants from the garden and also taking a moment here and there to enjoy a coffee in the backyard.
And just be.