Matthew and Jenn
Today is so busy...it's a Meals on Wheels day for me, plus I am lunching with Josephine. We'll have supper up at Brian's school (In n Out...again!) for the last of 3 school open houses. Alex has a late training session....he's been moved up to the varsity guys now, which is exciting for him, but the hours are killer for us. Throw in Matthew's concerts tonight and tomorrow and we've got a hat trick.
2 more weeks.
This entertained them yesterday for hours. Hours.
My new favorite breakfast...lemon curd on toast. A scone would taste better....much better, but oh well. Lemon curd is lemon curd. And me likes lemon curd!
Some days, like today, you just need to remember to breathe.
In and out. In and out.
Yet another meeting this morning at son #2's school, with a team of people who believe in him and want him to succeed. He just does not like school. At all. The greatest thing is that he has people blowing air underneath his wings and encouraging him to fly, even though he doesn't believe he can.
But he will. Fly that is.
I know that, without a doubt.
But, until he does...I am blowing lots and lots of air under those wings.
M and I decided lunch was needed...so out we went to Taco Rosa for a little lobster bisque followed by lobster tacos.
Lunch, with lobster, definitely helps.
Tonight is a divide and conquer night...Matthew is performing at an awards ceremony, so I am going to that. M will stay here with Brian and drive Alex to and from his training session. Supper will be kind of on the go for everyone...TJ's orange chicken and rice. Even thought we're all over the place, I am glad we are all at least sleeping under the same roof again. Makes me happy.
First, my boys are home....happy, healthy and full of fun stories.
It's a lazy day today...lots and lots of laundry to catch up on, not to mention an exciting game being played. I guess once you've traveled to Europe, your next step is to try and conquer it.
Today is just a hang out day and I am loving it. I figured right in that they've eaten lots of meat, so I have a big pot of gravy going and we'll have pasta for supper. There was talk earlier of going to see a movie, but I'm thinking we're all in for the night. Brian and I are going to make something special for dessert...he sure missed his daddy.
This afternoon, Mollie brought me a baby bunny. Don't worry...the bunny got under the fence and is hopefully home with her momma. Poor thing!
OK...we found the mostest funnest game and I bought it for the boys. It's turned out to be a smashing great time...swingball.
Doesn't look like much...and it all fits in that little base part when you are not playing it. Which I like...small house, remember?
Loved it!
Love him! That Harrison Ford...oh my!!
Brian is dodging raindrops outside with friends, as is Alex...though he is shooting hoops up at the school. M called and we talked for an hour...boy, do I miss him. And Matthew.
They leave Krakow tomorrow and fly home via Berlin, so not much longer.
It's pretty pathetic when your cell phone rings and the person on the other end says 1 word.
Obviously, our husbands are out of town.
Way cool...even though it was over 100 in the gym.
Gotta love the smell of sweat!
Alex summed it up on the way home by saying, 'Mom, remember when you used to cook?'
If I hadn't been so exhausted, I might've been afraid, but I honestly just laid there thinking, 'take it all.'
It kept going on and on, so I got out of bed and figured out it was my cats...who had cornered a mouse.
OK...you have GOT to be kidding me. A mouse...in the house...in the middle of the night? A husband across the ocean and there is a mouse...in MY HOUSE?
Acting as butch as I possibly could, I opened the slider, swished them with a broom and out they all tumbled.
Oh my.
So now I sit here and think....did one of them bring the mouse in earlier or are there more IN my house?
We have another game later this afternoon. It's already in the 90's here, so we're hanging out at home until then...I am keeping my cats close by. Just in case.
We'll be back again...I had 3 free washes and they expire next week, so Matthew's car is going in, too.
Pretty purple trees on the way home!
My newest addiction...Scrabble online.
Sick and wrong, but I will quit when M gets home from Europe.
Last night, Brian and I watched a movie...and had a little intermission. I scooped ice cream and he provided the entertainment. Bet you wish you were here!
(sorry for the dark video...it somehow darkens when I upload it to blogger. I am sure there is a way to fix it, but I can't figure it out!)
Brian is out playing already and has a busy day...he is going to see our neighbor perform in School House Rock, so he'll be gone most of the afternoon. Alex just got a call about practice all the way across town, so we'll go to that. It's his new team and we have yet to work out any kind of carpool, so it'll be lots of driving for awhile, which I don't mind. After his practice, we need to run to buy new court shoes for him...will someone please tell the kid to stop growing! His size 12's are too small after only 2 months.
As for the rest of today...we'll be in the pool! Alex is still hoping for Souplantation and we never made it the other night, so tonight is probably the night. At least they have vegetables!
But I didn't go with them.
In a relatively short amount of time, he ruled that my father is indeed dead. Just one of 53 people on the docket today, who will be ruled dead.
My younger boys are home now, no different than they were this morning, with no knowledge of what happened today. They just know that their mom is home where she is supposed to be and that there are warm chocolate chip muffins on the counter.
And my husband and eldest son? Beer, brats, Bach and Luther.
sigh. I miss them.
My evening plans are pretty simple...hot tea, hot bath, and whatever shows are on the DVR. Alex and Brian are playing wii on a school night, which means it's either the end of the school year or half the family is gone.
Or both.
I did have a little....ummmm....thrill today.
One of my Meals on Wheels gentleman speaks not a lick of English. My very limited Spanish...I took 4 years in high school which means I can order a taco and ask for directions to the nearest hospital, both of which are necessary if eating from a hut on the side of the road in Mexico, means we have a slight language barrier.
Well today, he answered his door naked.
I mean.....NAKED.
Like, NAKED.
Oh my.
I handled the situation very well, I think. I basically screamed. A lot. And said things like 'no, no Senor Vega! Not OK!
The deal is....I think he is completely mentally with it. He was just naked. Which 70 years ago was probably quite the sight to see.
I have always loved seasons...Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. The changes, even if slight in southern California as well as the super n...