Friday night was spent in the garden and there was no where else I'd have rather been...until 7:45pm when I was sound asleep in bed. The week had been exhausting and I just couldn't keep my eyelids open for even one minute more.
Supper that night though? Before I collapsed from exhaustion? Halibut which was oven roasted with fennel, garlic, tomatoes and olives. It was really good but I've decided that while I love ordering fish in a restaurant, I just don't like cooking it. The moment I smell it I have no desire to eat while everyone in my family (who was home) liked it, I didn't.
Roasted fennel and olives? Phenomenal.
Saturday, the third child in line for the throne (but has absolutely no doubts that he will someday reign as king), completely wore us out.
This kids schedule is killing me. Saturday involved two back to back basketball games, working at a football carwash and then yet another sweet 16 party. He's been invited to so many that I've lost count. Friday nights was in a reserved ballroom at
The Montage in Laguna Beach, complete with not just the requisite DJ but a carving station with prime rib that was located right next to the (wait. for. it) lobster tails. Oh...and the door prizes? An iPad mini for one. Bri walked out with a candy dispenser from Brookstone and someone else was awarded a go pro camera.
Welcome to south OC, my friends. It's my job to bring real life into these kids worlds. 16th birthdays in our house? Pizza. At home. With your real friends. Not the 100's of acquaintances you might have, but your honest to gosh real friends.
Anyway, Saturday morning began with coffee, in the car, from Peets. I can afford it since I'm not saving for a big party.
And then the following went down. We were supposed to drive to Saturday nights sweet 16 party (this one was dumbed down and held at a local country club...for reals. Feel my pain yet?) but in the end we were able to convince an older brother to help out.
What does that mean?
Cucina Enoteca. Bubbly. Eggplant pizza. Just me and that guy that I like so much, spending money we shouldn't have and then justifying it, once again, with the whole pizza on the 16th birthday thing. Just ask us...we can justify anything.
Anyway, by the end of the night we had a good handle on our summer wish list (things like 'return to Cucina Enoteca as often as the budget allows' and 'sit in the garden every. single. day') and even planned our dream vacation. The dream vacation we aren't going on this year but just might be able to afford after all these children of ours grow up.
Dreaming about stuff? Kinda fun.
On Sunday morning I awoke to two things...the hissing of a leaking can of wd40 onto the wood floor and underwear on the kitchen table.
Both made me extremely happy and filled with love for my sons to the point where I was jumping for joy.
Please. Feel my pain for just one moment, ok?
And then, God gave me sunshine and one, very perfectly ripe, tomato.
Life in this zoo?
Suddenly brighter.
For supper I made two HUGE pots, both
which I could barely lift, of gravy (spaghetti sauce to some, gravy to others) with meatballs and pork ribs and sausage and chicken and whatever other meats I could find from the depths of the freezer thrown in...served over pasta with a big green salad on the side.
And wine. Red, red wine.
And the best part? A last minute call to our neighbors (who are family to us) to come help eat it all and then a slew of boys, who have been friends forever and ever, came and finished it all up. It was, quite simply, a perfect end to the weekend.