1. Had dinner with some friends of that guy that I like so much on Friday night...an amazing dinner where it was everything I could do to not weep at the table, but since I don't know them all that well I held it together as best I could. It was seriously like eating at a 5-star restaurant and I'm already considering my plan of attack (sending them flowers, a painting, a new car, my first born child...whatever it will take) to get invited back.
2. We left the calm, organized, grown-uppedness of their home (is grown-uppedness a word?) and came home to pure and utter chaos. Seriously. Matthew moved home and his stuff is EVERYWHERE. We've unpacked and repacked his belongings from the last SIX YEARS and things are looking a little better now, but not much. Ah well...it is fun to have him home. He keeps opening the refrigerator and stares in...it's the little things, you know?
3. Roasted a huge tray of veggies and added them to some farro, fresh arugula, a bit of goat cheese and tossed the whole thing with a little vinaigrette.
Oh my.
4. Saturday afternoon, all was calm. Well, sort of. I was surrounded by bicycles and trumpets and boxes of misc. college room paraphernalia...but the stool at the kitchen counter was open and the beer was cold and the glass was chilled. Oh, and Peter, Paul and Mary were singin' in the background.
Summer is coming and I feel it in my bones.
5. Tried something new to us this weekend...marinated whole chickens (that I cut the backbone out of) in lemon and olive oil and rosemary and grilled them (flat) under bricks. They were soooo good. Called the neighbors and told them to run over because that's how we roll when we try something new. I also made a sicilian flour-less lemon cake where you boil whole lemons and them puree them (skin and all) into a pulp. It was...ok. But that chicken? YUM.
Gotta love last minute dinner parties...especially with people you don't need to explain why your house now looks like an inner city storage unit.
6. I attended a funeral of an older woman I worked with, a woman who always had a smile on her face and who made a difference in the line of work I am in. The kind of difference that I had lost sight of and that I need to work on bringing back.
Elvis singing the Lord's Prayer at her service? New to me but totally her.
7. Church on Sunday morning was super fun...a guest gospel composer/organist came and did the music and had our church rockin' out. It was just me and Brian and afterwards we went to lunch before heading home. I love the times where I can snag just one of them for a bit of time. The afternoon was then spent in the big garden, where my neighbor left a lovely note (multiple notes) plastered all over my fence.
I went through a whole ball park of emotions (not all of them nice, sadly) but then calmed down, moved the 3 boards that were 'touching' her fence and went on my way watering and pruning and picking weeds.
Choosing the high road is just not always easy, is it? I will admit to praying for gophers to come invade her space though. Or locusts.
Work is winding down and programs are ending. My supervisors have a bit of happiness in their voices...I can hear the stress of the year slowly start going away as they realize summer is literally right around the corner. Lots to finish up but it doesn't seem as overwhelming as it did.
This week will be about tying up loose ends and maybe squeezing in a Disney afternoon with that guy that I like so much. Oh, and getting the rooms shuffled around for these 3 boys...it is fun how the dynamic in our little house changes when they are all here. It's a bit louder, a bit more crazy and a lot of fun to watch.
Happy Monday, all. Make it a good one.
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