...to move on.
They've grown up here. And so have I.
Every word, every story, every post (over 2,000 of them!)...they aren't going away. This place will stay as I slowly export all of it into a written book...not for sale, but to be tucked into my attic for my family if they ever choose to read it. None of my boys have baby books...they have a blog instead.
Once I figure out how (and if anyone knows, shoot me an email!), this whole place will be moved on over to my new home on the world wide web. It's a new place and it feels more like me than this place has for awhile. Quite simply, over the years my houseful of boys grew up and became a houseful of men.
Just to put it into perspective, here's where we started:
Grown up, living life, working hard (all of them!) and still making me laugh. I prayed for them to be close...to never forget that they are part of a chosen trio that God created. So far, so good.
So, all that being said, please visit me here:
Once there, you can sign up to follow and get email notifications, just like you did here.
Thank you for all the kind words and for loving this place as much as I have over the years. I will miss it, too.
Much love,