Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Stuff!

First, my boys are home....happy, healthy and full of fun stories.


It's a lazy day today...lots and lots of laundry to catch up on, not to mention an exciting game being played. I guess once you've traveled to Europe, your next step is to try and conquer it.

They brought back some really, really fun stuff, too.

M's watch was stolen from his car a few weeks before the trip...if you see a bum wearing a really, really nice Movado, could you ask him to return it? Anyway, M bought a new watch from a pretty shady character in Munich...he had a bunch in a cardboard box for the bargain price of 20 euro.

I must say...I scored. Polish pottery...

...czech eggs (I collect 'em!)...
...and some jewels.
Alex got his favorite thing...milka!
Matthew brought back a beer stein...
...and beer. Oh my.
Brian got a really cool sword pen and tons of chupa chups, which he has already hidden safely away. Gotta love chupa chups!

Today is just a hang out day and I am loving it. I figured right in that they've eaten lots of meat, so I have a big pot of gravy going and we'll have pasta for supper. There was talk earlier of going to see a movie, but I'm thinking we're all in for the night. Brian and I are going to make something special for dessert...he sure missed his daddy.

This afternoon, Mollie brought me a baby bunny. Don't worry...the bunny got under the fence and is hopefully home with her momma. Poor thing!


  1. What goodies did they bring me? I don't need beer stuff, but I like crystal! Oh, don't forget the chocolate.

  2. A beer stein, and so college has begun!!!!

  3. BTW, to you have to polish the Polish plate?

    I LOVE English!

    Why would you bring beer home?

    Of course I have broght rum home from Puerto Rico...


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