What could be better?
A pitcher of tulips on the kitchen table,
chocolate souffles waiting to be baked,
and the 1st of the summer zucchini from my neighbor's garden.
This morning, with the help of a guy I really, really like, my garden went in. So far...19 tomato plants (11 romas, 4 heirlooms, 1 cherry, 2 beefsteak and a regular old red), sweet peas, green beans, carrots, radishes, 3 zucchini plants (hoping for lots of blossoms...mmmm), 1 eggplant (thinking of putting in one more of those), 5 peppers of all different colors and a small spot left for something little...maybe some red onions or garlic. OH...and cucumbers. 2 different kinds, because Alex is holding out for a really good pickle.
M is in the backyard repairing the damage that happened while he was in Europe. OK, so he's replanting all the stuff I didn't water. Sue me.
Tonight is a divide and conquer night...Matthew is performing at an awards ceremony, so I am going to that. M will stay here with Brian and drive Alex to and from his training session. Supper will be kind of on the go for everyone...TJ's orange chicken and rice. Even thought we're all over the place, I am glad we are all at least sleeping under the same roof again. Makes me happy.
You were already able to have zucchini out of the garden? I have one pumpkin plant that's about 1/4 inch tall. Too cold here for anything to grow. Today was in the 50's - for a high. So much for global warming.