Saturday, March 29, 2008


I have to explain a little about my last blog, especially since I have received 8 texts and 4 emails since I posted an hour ago. I shoulda put a smiley face in there!

The beautiful backyard is till there. The fabulous music and the twinkly lights and the 68 candles (yes, 68 candles) are still there. The great conversations and laughter will still be happening there.

Missing will be the multiple bottles of wine that my darling husband and I will be consuming. Alone. Or maybe it was the limoncello? Or the, big sigh, berry vodka? It makes for a rather rough Saturday morning, especially when you have a houseful of boys. Like I do.


So, no worries...all is well. Advil is a blessing.

I just got out of the garden and have just picked the most amazing broccoli you have ever seen....and you will see it when blogger lets me post pictures. Cuz I know how much you love my vegetable pictures. As I was downloading them, there were also some pictures of Alex doing a flying leap onto the couch. Looks like someone was having fun with the camera!

As for today, the scene of the crime, I mean the backyard has been watered and the laundry is going. Emails are currently getting answered and I still need to call Verizon about all the extra charges on my account. I was going to make a pan of brownies, but we're out of cocoa and I am carless today, so I'm thinking either peanut butter cookies or molasses cookies. Matthew drove my car to drum corps...his is fine around town, but I worry when he has to go that far. Alex and Brian are hanging close to home with me...they're playing wii together now. M is working, though he just called and wants me to go to a student concert tonight with him...and he's throwing a trip to Nick's in to sweeten the pot.

I will not be drinking wine.

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