Sunday, January 27, 2008

In the Middle

They are dropping like flies around here.


By late afternoon, Brian's fever was 102; Matthew's was 101. We got them both comfy and Alex was off to the HS basketball game. I ended up making a pot of risotto and M made me 3 variations of the same appletini.
For the record, the one in front one was the only one I drank, though I was tempted to down all 3.


The cats have adjusted to life outside and beg to go out 1st thing in the morning. Mollie is a tom-boy.


This morning, M left at the crack of down (actually way before the crack of dawn) and is on the road with his choir. I did find out that they are in La Mesa, one of his favorites because it is the church his great -Grandmother helped found. Kinda cool.

Alex and I went to church and confirmation. It's always fun to get some alone time with him and he managed to talk me into In n Out on the way home. Nothing like some animal fries in the car.

The oldest and youngest are feeling miserable and the middle one is feeling great. Kind of like a pinball machine where the ball keeps bouncing off the bumpers. Let's see...Alex just walked into Matthew's room, stood there with his hand on his chin and said, "I can't wait until this is my room. I'm going to paint and...." Not sure how much more he said before something was thrown at his head.

Happiness and harmony.



  1. Kate would love to knock down the wall between her room and Elizabeth's and lay claim to that entire side of the house! Sibling love is just sooo special.

  2. Those fries look really gross! What's on them?

    I always wanted to get rid of my older (MUCH older - her bday is Tuesday)sister. I even told the kids I wanted to get rid of her. They quickly realized who I was talking about, and said "NO".

    All my kids want rooms to themselves. The boys are switching rooms each year, so that each gets a room by themselves for a year. No one wants to share a room with Rachel though. Hmmmm...


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