Wednesday, December 12, 2007


It's 1:00pm.
  • The house is slowly being put together.
  • My garden has been weeded and aside from one very lonely eggplant, which is flowering, it is empty.
  • The dry cleaning has been picked up.
  • The washer and dryer haven't had a rest since this morning.
  • The floors are half done...they'll be all the way done when I stop blogging.
  • My car has gas and I cannot even tell you how much it cost or I would cry.
  • The boys bathroom has been cleaned.
  • Library books were returned and my donation (late fee) was paid.
  • My Christmas marzipan was ordered, a bit late, but it will be here in time.
  • I sat and had a quick cup of tea with a neighbor and talked about absolutely nothing, yet left feeling like I could conquer the world.
  • Supper is planned. Not made, but planned.

I need a nap!

Last night we stayed up way to late watching The Nativity with the boys. Tonight Matthew has a band concert and only M and I will go...the other boys are concert-ed out. After the honors concert on Friday night, I think that will be it. It's fun, but I am ready for some evenings home.

Alex has been asking for fondue, which is what we normally have when we put our tree up...but we have yet to get a tree. Oh my...there has been no time to squeeze it in, but we will have a tree AND fondue this weekend. I promise.


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