Thursday, March 26, 2009


Meals on Wheels today...yum.

Or not.

But food is food...and it's free to boot.  My route is mostly new, so I am just getting to know people.  All nice...but no Josephine.

I was eating my PB&J in the backyard and got sick of looking at the overgrown palm tree, so I grabbed the clippers and went to town.  It's a painful process...especially barefoot and in a skirt, but it's done and looks much better.

My cats kept me company and felt sorry for me everytime I got poked.

Spent a few hours making jewelry and am almost done with my big order...and almost done with the website.  Final edits are happening now and it will hopefully launch by Monday...but for now I am tired of staring at the computer.

So, tonight I am cooking.

One more time...Tonight.  I.  Am.  Cooking.

I almost can't believe it, but our schedules have been crazy.  Roasted chicken, sausage, peppers, potatoes, onion and garlic...with a ton of olive oil.  Add a loaf of french bread and a bottle of wine and we've got dinner.  Not only that, but 4 of the 5 of us will be home...I still like the 5 out of 5, but the semester is almost over and then I'll get a whole summer with him.

Bet he's thrilled.


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