We have had the most beautiful blue skies the last few days. Not Colorado blue, but definitely blue for southern CA. I just love this time of year!
I spent a few hours in the garden this morning. After the last boy left for school (Alex starts at 9:10am on Tuesdays), I pulled the cornstalks out of the ground and bound them together. I had purposefully let them dry in the ground...they'll look cute on the front porch once we decorate for Fall. I then planted broccoli, more sugar pie pumpkins, carrots, and an acorn squash. The eggplant is producing beautifully...I'm feeling an eggplant parm right around the corner!
Tonight is one of the very last Dream Dinners from the freezer. Chicken something. I love going so much, but my family HATES the food. Ah well, lesson learned. I've created food snobs. I do have one other double order lurking in the outside freezer, which I'll cook next time G & J come over. Not that they like bad food, but they are more understanding than anyone else!
So, here I sit downloading pictures from the camera, and THIS IS WHAT I SEE!!! These boys are in big, big, big trouble!!! My poor Maggie...by the shirt I can tell that Matthew is holding her, so either Alex or Brian took the picture. They are so busted when they get home!

Dream Dinners? What is that? Have you been cheating on being Suzie Perfect Wife????? Thank GOODNESS. I swear I have NEVER in 21 years had a meal on the table every single night.....
ReplyDeleteThe cat looks happy. She liked it.