Came in and while everyone was still sleeping, this is what I did:
I had to document it, cuz I am so not one to iron. Ever. My marriage vows did not, cherish, and iron...which is a bummer for my husband.
But this morning, in the quiet of the house, I must say that I found it very peaceful. This one time. Now give me a sink full of warm, sudsy water and a pile of dishes and I am happy...but I just don't have that same lovin' feelin' towards my iron. Which, by the way, still looks new after almost 22 years of marriage.
You know that I love you very much, but your daddy does not have those same warm fuzzies about you. If he sees this, he might just ship you off to a new home, so I am hoping that you will clean up your mess. Thank you.
Love, Mom
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