I am assuming what I am feeling is what is known as the 'post-christmas' letdown.
Otherwise known as pure exhaustion.
I am looking at my little house and wondering if it will ever be clean again...or at least put back together. That is my main mission for today, along with picking out the new skateboard for Brian and some new clothes for Alex, who seems to have grown again overnight.
Better put bricks on his head.
So, Christmas Eve. Church at 5pm with lots of Christmas carols and just great music all the way around. It's still been only a few years since I've sat side by side in a pew next to my favorite guy and I just kept looking over and thinking how nice it was.
It's the little things.
We then drove south to our Christmas Eve tradition...Maggiano's for a late night supper.
M and his mom, having a Christmas cocktail.

Grandma and Grandpa with Brian, who loves salmon like nobody's business, so his Grandma special ordered for him that night. Cuz it was Christmas.

My big boys...happy and full.

Home to open the 'one present on Christmas Eve' present...jammies. I also did not put any of the photos of what happened next, but they all stood up, dropped their pants, pranced a bit, AND THEN put on their new jammies.
Crazy, crazy boys.

So, no Christmas morning photos...I was video happy instead, but presents were opened, breakfast was made (scrambled eggs with roasted asparagus, homemade crumb cake, fruit salad with amaretto cream...plus lots and lots of coffee!), and the house picked up for round 2. The rest of the family showed up, more presents, toys assembled, video games played, movies watched, lunch set out (antipasto...huge platter of meats and cheeses and veggies and bread), bike riding outside in between rain drops, and a huge...and I mean HUGE prime rib thrown in the oven.
Christmas dinner was that hunk 'o beef (which was soooo yummy!) with horseradish/dijon sauce, twice baked potatoes, garlic green beans and rolls...followed by coffee and cookies.
Are you seeing why I didn't take pictures?
BUT, minus a wall, we were able to all eat at one big, long table.
I like that.

Barely anytime to recoup...the basketball tournament that is the reason we won't be travelling for the next 4 years, started the day after Christmas morning.
The very cutest thing EVER were the two cheerleaders who showed up in Alex's schools colors to watch him play.
Cutest thing EVER.

Out to lunch after and then it was off to Greg and Joanna's for supper, where my boys did this:

I had to post this because of Sophie's face...she is so happy just looking on.

It is now the morning after all of that. We have a 5:45pm basketball game, but need to leave here around 4:00pm to get there on time...no buses this week, so we are the bus. M and Matthew are playing for church tomorrow, so they are going to go practice while I run the above mentioned errands with the younger boys.
Supper, unfortunately, will be out after the game, but it will be something cheap and easy...maybe even a Nick's pizza to go.
And then we sleep.