Pesto is a staple in my house...we eat it on sandwiches, in eggs, on burgers, on fingers, on toes.'s that good!
It helps if you have a basil plant but if you don' some at the market. No problema! You'll also need pine nuts (I buy 'em already toasted at Trader Joe's because...well, why not?), grated parmesan cheese, garlic and olive oil.
Dump everything, except for the olive oil, into a food processor. Or, if you want to buff up your arms you can use a mortar and pestle.
Me? I like wimpy arms.
Pulse it all together.
Take a sip of Sangria.
( don't HAVE to do this step, but at the time I felt it was necessary for my emotional well being.)
Add olive oil and pulse again.
3 cups basil
1/2 cup grated parmesan (the good stuff)
1/2 cup pine nuts, toasted
2 garlic cloves
pinch of salt
3/4 cup olive oil
Throw everything but olive oil into a food processor. Pulse together until chunky. Add olive oil and pulse again. Store in the fridge for up to a week.