Friday, April 29, 2011

I Won...and a Wedding!

Yesterday a package from Canada arrived in the mail...I had one a giveaway on this website a few weeks ago.


A treasure box of stuff that make me so happy! Feels like Christmas!

(Thank you SO much!)

I am moving slow today thanks to a 3:00am wedding that I attended.


I had actually invited people over and we were going to skype with a friend who is in London, but everyone chose sleep over romance.

I get it. Sort of. Oh well...I loved it. What a beautiful bride she was!
Did you watch the wedding and if so, what did you think?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

People Watching

I am sitting at Corner Bakery trying to pass a little time while some work is being done at my little house on my little street, eating a rather delicious california grille sandwich served with a side of people watching.

And let me tell you...this place is packed and prime for people watching.

Some people just need to take a deep breath and the guy next to me who complained non-stop about how long it took to get his food (8 minutes) and then that his soup was too hot (seriously?) and the bread is now too small.



I was looking through my pictures and came across no fewer that 5, 000 pictures of crosswalks thanks to my part time job as a crossing guard supervisor.

Exciting, eh?

And then I found the crown jewels of pictures that I had taken a few weeks ago. My mom was visiting last month and lugged a big huge book with her on her journey here. She spent hours and hours and hours working on the story of ME.

Page after page of my whole childhood.

I keep flipping through is such an incredible gift that she has given me. Makes me teary eyed.

Thanks, Mom.

I love it (and you!) lots!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

My New Love

Have you ever had something that you've refused to try because you just knew that you weren't going to like it?

That's been my story with orange marmalade.

I've hated it for as long as I can remember.

Did I mention that I had never even tried it?

Just the name alone was enough to give me the willies.

Marmalade? Ewww....

Never mind that I love more than anything else all things with candied fruit...even (sorry, people) fruitcake.

Then last week while out to breakfast with my youngest, I accidentally took a bite of his toast that was slathered with orange marmalade.

And rather than curl up and die, I swear I heard a heard angels singing. My life will never be the same again and I actually told that guy that I like so much that if forced to choose between him and my new found love, I'm not sure which one I'd choose.
Hopefully I won't ever have to.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ladybugs In The Garden (and a sale...)

I spent all day today hammering away at jewelry while catching up on episodes of (gasp) Bethenny Ever After.

All alone in my quiet little house.

The laundry is piled up and the dishwasher is full of clean dishes waiting to be put away and the floor is kinda sticky (probably more than kinda, but who wants to admit to that?) and my bed is not made.

But I've been to the gym and showered and there is food in the fridge and it is warm and sunny, so all is well.


The reason, though, is that there is a sale in the shop. A crazy sale that is keeping me busy.

CLICK HERE to check it out.

In other exciting news...we have aphids on our fruit trees and because I don't like to spray them with any type of chemical we resorted to paying money for ladybugs.

Because apparently lady bugs have been avoiding my yard. Must be all the testerone around here. But sweet ladybugs eat aphids which makes them happy and in turn makes me happy.

It's a win win situation...minus the fact that I paid $6.99 for a bug. Or bugs. 1500 bugs, to be exact.

Hope it works!
I'll keep you posted.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

Spring Breaks have ended as of this morning and all in our little house are back to their various schools.

It ain't easy.

I'm learning that we are family that likes summertime life..I mean, who doesn't...but we REALLY like the non-schedule of summer. Later nights, lazy mornings, long suppers in the garden with friends, and NO HOMEWORK.


Maundy Thursday and Good Friday had us sitting in gobs of traffic on our way to church...something we don't normally deal with on our Sunday morning treks. We had full carloads each night and had fun getting to know new peeps along the way.

Easter Sunday had my family of 5 in 3 different churches...Matthew was hired to play at one church, that guy that I like so much received an SOS call to serve as organist at a friends church (whose regular organist had an emergency appendectomy) and the rest of us went to our home church with an extra student in tow.

I have to say...I have NEVER been to a more beautiful, more meaningful service in my life. He. Is. Risen.

Once home, many napped while others trickled in and we then had one of the sweetest Easter celebrations.

Lots and lots of good food and at one point I stuck my hands into a sink full of warm sudsy water to wash some glasses (one of those things I LOVE...what is it about washing dishes?) and there were quiet conversations happening in the family room and laughter happening at the kitchen table and little ones playing and I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face.

We are so blessed with this simple little life that we have and while it could all change today, I am so thankful for it all.

The good. The bad. The ugly.
Lent is now over and I am changing my thinking from 'what will Jesus do' to 'what Jesus has already done'.

And for me...that is a reminder that while lots has happened in my little house on my little street, all is forgiven by Him. All of it. And if He can forgive the sins of THE WORLD, well, then I can forgive the sins of one my own. To be honest, I was struggling with that. Repentance has happened, forgiveness has been given.

Hope blooms.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Feeling Thankful

That guy that I like so much and I had a kind of hang out day today...mainly because at 11am the teens were still sleeping.

Not normal behavior...but it is spring break, so they are off the hook.


Anyway, while they snoozed, we spent over an hour at our rather small but local garden center figuring out what to plant where and when and how.

In all honesty, I have nuthin' to do with it other than point out colors I like. And I push the cart. He came prepared with a list of the areas that needed planting and consulted his notes often (which made me laugh, but I will idea) and filled cart after cart with flowers and dirt.
And now, on one of his only days off in months, he is digging and trimming and planting and making our little backyard into our little summer sanctuary.

Just for me. Sigh. I love that he does that...and that I never have to ask. He just knows that I like a flowery garden.

I am blessed.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Spring Break

Spring Break for the boys in this house has arrived and with it...late nights, late night snacks, later nights and later night snacks.

Which basically means I've had really, really quiet mornings.

A taste of summer.

(Alex...happy to be eating KFC)

We had a weekend of concerts...well, I didn't but that guy that I like so much did. I still find it rather cool that he stands up there in front of that massive choir and orchestra and with a little wave of his arms makes them sound ah'mazing.

I'm sure there's more to it than just the arm waving thing. Maybe?


We did have one crisis happen...our DVR died a rather fast, yet still painful death and with it the question:

How did we ever survive watching live TV?

I mean, come on...we tape such quality shows after all.

I now weep every time I pull into a gas station. Please tell me things are going to change...please?

I had an early morning meeting with my boss this morning and when I got home, Brian (who is 12) was just waking up...I stole him away for a little breakfast at Ruby's.

I had a scrambled egg and toast with orange marmalade...can you believe I have NEVER tried orange marmalade before?

My eyes have now been opened.


Supper tonight was chicken cacciatore followed by some leftover wheat bread slathered with nutella. is good.

I'm still trying to put together an Easter menu...and am drawing a blank. Ham? Lamb? Lasagna?

I need ideas...what are you making (or eating!) for Easter dinner?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Middle Of The Night

It's 4:00am and I can't sleep.


My brain is going a million miles an hour and I can't seem to slow it down.
My plans for today are pretty simple.

IKEA...for a picture frame.
Groceries...the cupboards are BARE.
A celebratory milkshake at Ruby's after school to toast in the beginning of spring break.

And maybe a nap.


OK...back to bed for me. Nighty night. Over and out.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Walk Around My Hood

Let's take a walk, shall we?

Step out of my house and walk down my street.

Walk down my street and look to the left.

See the park and the pool and the elementary school.

Look to the right and see the middle school.

Walk around the pool and continue down the street.

Continue down the street to the lagoon. Walk past the lagoon and all the bobbing boats.

Keep on walking towards the bridge.

Walk over the bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, look longingly at the tennis courts.

Remind myself that I don't play, but have always wanted to.

Walk around the tennis courts.

Hello, ducks.

Follow the path around the lake.

Keep on walking towards the bridge.

Up the bridge. Over the bridge.

View from the top.

Over the bridge and down the other side.

Down the other side and through the park.

Stop at the flag and pause a minute.

Give thanks for freedom.

Through the park towards another bridge.

Towards the other bridge. Over the bridge.

See the retention basin?

Over the bridge. Stop at the stop sign.

Stop at the stop sign. Look both ways and keep on walking.

Made it!

Sit on down and lunch with that guy that I like so much, who drove over from work just to see me for an hour.


After lunch, climb in his car.

Back where I started...and back to work for him.
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