I always know when summer is ending when the very last tomatoes are picked from the now brown vines in the garden. We have been spoiled this year and had a rather nice crop. Though next year? No green zebras. Too seedy.
We eat them lots of ways around here, but my boys favorite (lately) is just to chunk them up and toss them with a little olive oil, salt and pepper.
Nothing fancy about it, but super duper yum.
Speaking of fancy, I'm finding lots of things tucked into the crevices of the outside freezer...things like a 9 pound (seriously????) pork roast.
I just slathered that baby with a mix of dijon mustard, garlic and rosemary (and lotsa salt and pepper) and roasted it low and slow all afternoon. Because we were celebrating Alex's first day of school, I also made his very favorite mustardy mashed potatoes and for that guy that I like so much...some salsa verde.
And the tomatoes from above because it needed a veggie and some color.
No one spoke for the whole 90 seconds it took my heathen males to devour 3/4 of that roast.
Oinkers. All of them.
My new baby. Not fancy and not really mine...but having a company car is just totally cool. The job I was miserable doing last year? Well, I have hired THREE people to do that same job this year. So no, I wasn't crazy to feel so overwhelmed, thankyouverymuch.
This year, aside from missing my old boss like crazy, I am liking what I do so much better. The cool wheels help a lot.
This weekend is a son moving, out with friends, nieces birthday party, basketball tourney, Disney visiting weekend. There are lots of things on the calendar, but it's looking like we'll squeeze it all in.
I think 'sleeping in' is a priority, too.