I keep my camera close at hand at all times, and I've been known to yell 'QUICK!!! Grab my camera!' whenever anything of excitement is happening.
Drives my family crazy.
But I love when I finally sit down to the computer and plug my camera in...that all sorts of daily life stuff pops up in my iPhoto. I take LOTS of photos on any given day...probably between 40 - 50.
I have to admit that most of them are crooked. Or blurry. Or of my toes. Or cats.
Today I sat down, plugged in my camera and up popped 43 pictures. Of my tomato plants.
So, hello. My name is Michele. And I have a picture problem.
I do have to say that my tomatoes never complain about being photographed. They never walk away or cover their faces. They just smile at the glorious sun and let me shoot away.
Introducing my San Marzano romas, mixed in with a few Borghese romas. These beauties don't need to be staked and will all ripen at the exact same time...which means I will have a freezer full of marinara for the long, cold, hard winter.

A sampling of the heirloom patch...all in all, there are a dozen different varieties.
Shine, sun. Shine.

Last night for supper I made a pot of gravy.
Made for some very, very happy boys.
This morning bright and early at Brian's school was the annual teacher cooked pancake breakfast.
Not that I am counting or anything, but this was my 13th pancake breakfast. And we are STILL there.
I will say that I have embraced the new regime and am actually kinda happy about the inner workings, but man...it was a rough transition.
This is the pool that is between my little house on my little street. There are 20 something different pools in my community to choose from...and each one is different. Some have diving boards. Some have life guards. Some are adults only.
But I will say, my very favorite is this one, cuz we hang out with all of our friends here on hot summer days. And some not so hot winter ones.
Brian got out early today and is now off for the 4 day weekend. He brought home 5 friends with him and after playing football up at the school, they came home, ate popcorn and made duct tape wallets.
Life is so much better when you have a duct tape wallet.

We just ate supper...grilled teriyaki chicken (on buns, with grilled pineapple...YUM) and the majority of my household is yelling at the TV in the other room.
The Lakers are playing the Nuggets and we have a divided house...seems some of my brood love their birthplace of Colorado more than they honor their father.
Or so he keeps telling them.
Cold hard winter?
ReplyDeleteSo what exactly goes on at an adults only pool?
A long, cold, hard winter. You know, where you go to the POOL! Life must be really tough there in CA.