I'd like to share what my Saturday morning is about.
It might not look like a lot, but trust me...this is what it is all about. Let's start with the jammies...they are actually that guy that I like so much's that I stole and they are soft, baggie and super comfy. Next up...a cup of coffee with my favorite vanilla creamer and a warm slice of almond tart. And to complete the perfect morning scenario...a little food network and the reading of my favorite blogs.
This. Is. Bliss.

I'd like to say I made this homemade...and it's probably pretty easy, but why would I when Trader Joe's has done it for me. Simple, not too sweet and easy peasy.
I'm still feeling so peaceful after listening to my son and his choir sing in their return from Hawaii concert.
I have been (like everyone else) so tuned to the devastation in Japan that to hear God's word sung was such a blessing to me. It was definitely up there with one of my favorite concerts ever...every piece was SO beautiful.
These boys of mine, all together last night...well, they make me laugh almost daily.
'Almost' being the key word here.
They aren't easy...not a one of them. Each one of them presents his own unique way of driving me absolutely, positively crazy.
Case in point.
An excerpt from a recent essay written by one of my boys:
When questioned about this paper, his response was?
"Mom...I DID make 25 out of 26 baskets! That's NBA material!"
This parenting stuff...well, it's not for those who don't want to be involved whole hearted. We've been walking a tight rope in our little house on our little street and I've watched satan enjoy a front row seat at the struggles that have been going on.
But he's not going to win. So there.
We've found a new sense of calm here (temporary, I am sure) and I think a big part of that comes from having a husband who is back at home (in the same time zone...although he is still working 60 hour weeks, 7 days a week with no end in sight, sigh) and walking this tightrope next to me.
Even if it is via text message.
And our son now knows to not throw clay.
Yet another doozy..."but mom...he never said to NOT throw it before!"
Yep. He said that.
I think everyone should share in the joy of raising a child like this.
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