He did it, too.
He grew up when I wasn't looking.

As for my houseful of boys:
- Alex had his staples removed today. Rehab begins as soon as I call to set up the appointments. Silicone injections into his knee beginning in 2 weeks. Pain is at a zero. God is good.
- Brian started music summer school this morning...he'll go every morning for 4 weeks from 8:30am to 11:30am. I'm thankful for the fact that I am doing afternoon pick up and only every other week at that. That boy LOVES his trumpet!
- Matthew arrived home at 3:42am, dropped his stuff and plopped himself into bed. He's home for the night tonight...then it's back to daily 9am - 9pm rehearsals until tour.
I'm making the big boys favorite meal tonight in celebration of them all being home...beef stroganoff made with roasted short ribs. The perfect wintery meal on this rather chilly (thankfully!) summer day. After, we'll keep watching the show '24'...our newest addiction and we're only halfway thru Season 1!
No tackle football this year for Brian??? :0) I think the trumpet is a safer bet. I"ll be hearing a trumpet in the fall when my Matt starts band!