This morning I was up early and as I was driving towards Newport Beach, I stopped for a few minutes of quiet at the back bay...and wished I had more than a few minutes.
Came home, picked up and dropped Brian off at the college for lunch with both his biggest brother and his daddy, and drove to the happiest place on earth.
It is Alison's birthday and with her husband already at his new job in Texas, she wanted to lunch at Disneyland and stroll the park.
And I was happy to oblige.

She's been telling me about the bbq place near Thunder Mountain...and it was, of course, the birthday girls choice.
And a good choice it was.
Nothing like a hot day and eating ribs at a picnic table. At Disneyland.
And then dessert came. Oh my. OH MY.
Are you sitting down?
Just imagine a waffle cone, filled with a red velvet cupcake, frosted with cream cheese icing and topped with a raspberry.
And did I mention the raspberry jam stuff at the bottom of the cone, underneath it all? Sugar coma, thankyouverymuch.

We rode Pirates and then I left Alison in the care of her mother-in-law so that I could get home.
Home to the house that is, quite literally, falling down around me.
There is laundry to be done and dirty bathrooms and a missing bathroom screen (don't ask) and a disgusting refrigerator and NO food and sticky floors and bird feathers everywhere (thank you, cats) and a bedroom (mine) that you can't even walk into.
So I did what any self respecting woman would do.
I sat down in a chair and started to cry.
And not just any cry...a good, old fashioned cry.
The thing is....I love what I do. I am one of those odd birds that loves the whole stay at home wife and mom thing. I love to cook and take care of my family and talk to my cats and run my house.
And I know, especially now, that that is not a cool 'profession' to have, but it is me. It's who I am.
So I was offered this great part time job a few weeks ago...a job where I get to work at home and with people, a job where I work only a few hours a day (and not every day) and never on holidays or weekends or school vacations or summers. I mean, COME seems almost too good to be true.
Oh yeah, as if all that isn't good enough...I am the boss.
For reals.
But the deal is, I have had to work a ton the last 3 weeks. Training. Start up stuff. Stuff that I won't ever really need to do again and that I will be much more efficient at doing next year. And, for the record, I love, love, love what I am doing.
But it is still summer vacation for my boys and I am doing the summer mom stuff I love to do with them. On top of that, BellaMichele is flourishing. Flourishing.
And I am having trouble keeping up.
So today I cried. I cried and cried and cried. And then called a working mom friend whom I adore who has it all together, all the time...I told her I didn't know how she did it all.
And she told me to buck up, stop crying and clean out my refrigerator.
Gotta love friends that tell it like it is.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
ReplyDeleteOR.... is it the tough eat chocolate?
Start-up of the school year for teachers and staff is always the worst! I always say I am going to start getting ready earlier so I don't burn myself out by Labor Day, but then summer comes and it's hard to do anything but summer stuff. I'll be working most of this long weekend, but some of that is because I have to get all of my lesson plans ready for my substitute for the next few weeks. Somewhere in there I'll get my house cleaned (I don't want to be at home after surgery in a dirty house), and I'll also make a final trip to Ravinia to hear a concert Rodgers and Hammerstein songs sung by two Broadway stars. I love helping Kate fulfill those concert attendance requirements for choir!