Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hanging Out

I have video, too...but here is Alex the basketball player's debut in freshman choir.

He rocked.


The next night...back to where he feels much more comfortable.  His team made it to the championship of this fun!

Friday night after the basketball game, Alex loaded the bus and Brian and I loaded the with pizza from Nick's and a fabulous smelling Christmas tree.

Saturday morning, M did the lights and now it sits, undecorated but beautiful, in our family room.

I'm thinking we'll get to the ornaments sometime this week...though I am not sure exactly when we will all be together.

No rush...Christmas will still happen with or without ornaments.

Also yesterday...brothers bonding in the backyard.
Happiness is...winter lemons.  Tons of them on the tree.  Love, love, love winter lemons!
Last night was the 1st night of M's (and now Matthew's!) Christmas concerts.

Fabulous.  Check out all the great pictures I took...or the pictures I wanted to take if I had not left my camera on the kitchen table.  Lovely.


No worries, I'm going back next weekend.  I was hoping to go today, but there's not an empty seat to be had.  Bummer.

Also last night...the tournament championship for Alex.  I missed it but had friends there texting me scores and in the end they lost by 9.  Double bummer.

It is now 1:45pm and I am sitting here still in my PJ's.  M cleaned the backyard and is now off to his concert and the younger boys are playing some sort of shoot em up video game which I am choosing to ignore.

Great parenting tip there.


I am going to run over to Costco and pick up a hunk o beef, which I'll throw into the oven with a bottle of wine and porcini mushrooms and rosemary.  Mash some potatoes, roast some green beans and call it dinner.  

Gotta spoil that guy that I like so much.  Especially since he's working so hard and I am sitting here in my jammies.



  1. Hey, isn't that the tree skirt that my mom made??

  2. It is! I looked at last years pictures and I had the red side up. She made it for our 1st Christmas....22 years ago. =0)

  3. Very handsome choir pic. Kate would probably like the black dress. At her school they wear choir robes. It's really funny to see the girls after a concert. The robes are very heavy and hot, so they usually wear shorts and tank tops with the required nylons and closed toe black pumps. It's quite a fashionable look ; )


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