Monday, March 18, 2013

The Happiest of Weeks

The end of last week ended up being one of those really, really cool end of the weeks...I mean, ends of the weeks are usually pretty nice to begin with, but this one was just kinda great.  Really, really great.

Aside from that guy that I like so much being out of town...but then again, texting and face-timing and just plain 'ole talking on the phone made that whole situation not so bad this time around.  Plus, he was home before the weekend had a chance to kick into high gear...thankfully.  

I miss him most over the weekends.

The happy's began on Thursday.  I worked and ran errands and the sun was shining and I was texting that guy that I like so much all day and then went on a super hard hike with a girlfriend...and then after the hike, met her and her daughter for a burger at The Habit while Brian was at practice and Alex was at work.

And that's when Leyla, all 16 beautiful years of her, started a conversation with, 'so, there's this guy I have a crush on...' and I, in a not so cool sort of way, gasped and then started to get all teary eyed.

The poor girl didn't know what hit her.  And then I explained that I have been a mother for 23 years and not one of my boys has ever volunteered any information anywhere close to that.  Boys just don't share feelings all that much.  Sports facts?  Yes.  Feelings?  Nope.

My little gasp?  Made us laugh long and hard.


And then later that night, long after Brian had gone to sleep, I was up watching mindless television while sitting on the couch.  In walked my middle born and for the next 2 1/2 hours, into the wee hours of the morning, we talked and talked and talked.  Man, I love that kid.  Lots.  And lots.  He's got a great head on his shoulders and is wise beyond his years and I am so very, very proud of him.


Bright and early the next morning I had a big meeting with my bosses and have been offered an exciting new project.  I really like my current job but am going to be adding on to that for the rest of the school year.   It was such a great meeting...I work alone and so it's easy to wonder if I am making a difference and I guess the answer is that yes, I am. 

I feel honored and excited...and blessed.  

(though ask me in the next few weeks when this project kicks into high gear.)


 And then the weekend rolled around and that guy that I like so much flew back into town.  Our little house on our little street feels like home again now that he's back and all just feels ok in my little world. I'm riding this wave until it crashes...mainly because all waves crash at some point, but for now all is light and bright and calm.

And I am just going to focus on that for as long as I can.  


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