Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Growing Up

For 30 hours this weekend I had all three of my offspring living together under one roof...30 hours of me walking around with a smile on my face that couldn't have been wiped off if I tried.

All just seems right in my little world when I know where everyone is sleeping and eating and breathing and watching TV.


They look like a motley crew, now don't they?  It makes me laugh because I was such a mum of appearances when they were younger...they all had the cute haircuts,  clean faces and wore little sweater vests and black patent leather shoes.

And best of all?

They always matched.

I can't even remember when it happened...the un-matching part, that is.  I'm sure it happened overnight when one boy or another had a growth spurt and suddenly didn't fit into a planned outfit.  I'm also sure I was totally thrown off balance at that moment and now that I think about it I have to laugh because I probably thought the world was coming to an end.


My boys no longer match.   They don't always dress the way I'd choose or make the choices I would choose or say the things I would choose.

But here's the thing...I accept them for who they are.  All three of them are so different from who I thought they would be when I rocked them as newborns, but at the same time are exactly what I prayed for them to be.

Strong.  Vulnerable.  Polite.  Wickedly funny.

Summer is winding down in these parts, though school doesn't start until September 8th.   It's a rather big year for us...three of my three will be celebrating milestones this school year.  We'll have a college grad, a high school grad and an 8th grade grad all within a few weeks of each other.

Graduations seemed so far away back then.



  1. They look great! Milestones are bittersweet. Our milestone this year is starting jr. high!!! I know everyone says it but some times it is startling how fast the time passes.

  2. Another tear-jerking post, from a Wonderful mom who might, 'only at times' says my Girl, "care Too much" like me. I know she's right, but then, she's not a mother yet...You'll be glad, by the time they've all turned 21, that you made the bond so close. (I get to see my eldest for 20 hours this wkend en route to London - but I won't get to chat on your patio until after returning on the 30th) Hasta luego, vaya con Dios!


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