Thursday, May 5, 2011

Morning Hike

This morning I went on a hike at a nearby park with a girlfriend. The sun was shining and the flowers were in full bloom.

Spring, in southern California, has sprung.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

(just make sure your mouth is closed. lots of flying bugs around those plants. trust me on this.)


I didn't carry a camera with me but I did have my cheapy little cell phone (and a 10 lb dumbbell that my girlfriend made me carry) so trying to take pictures using a 1/2" little view finder was tricky, but I made it work.

We started on the whole other side of that lake, way down there where the land was flat.

Way down there where the land was flat, I thought that carrying a 10 lb dumbbell would be no big problem.

Way up here I realized that I was wrong.

See? Taking pictures with a cell phone? Easy!

Like, totally easy!
I'm blaming the dumbbell.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures! I'm your newest follower from Coffee and their Kisses. Craftaholics sent me!


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