That guy that I like so much is totally into the food truck scene here in's not uncommon to get a text from him asking if I want to meet him for lunch.
Sometimes, if I ask nicely enough, he'll even pick me up.

The whole food truck thing is kinda crazy...people follow them on facebook (guilty) and twitter (no thank you) or simply by stalking their websites (guilty again) to find out where they'll be and when and then they flock to that location.
In the beginning (last summer) it was usually one truck at a spot, but now they have 'fairs' where a bunch (as in 8-10) trucks meet up in a parking lot.
Which not only means lots and lots of choices but lots and lots of people.
The craziest thing is that we are talking about amazing food for amazingly cheap that until recently you would never think could come out of a truck.
But it does. And it makes us happy.
We tried two new trucks this week...The Fresh Fries Truck and Crepes Bonaparte (from The Great Food Truck Race), mainly because between the two of us we only had like $1.85 in cash and lots of the trucks don't take cards.
We know better.

First up...sweet potato fries topped with hummus.
I am still speechless...aside from saying that they were perfect.
We then shared a lunch special from crepes bonaparte...a chicken, blue cheese, spinach and raspberry vinaigrette crepe (sounds weird...but it was yummy!) and a lemon sugar crepe.
Totally fun to watch them cook in their little bow ties, too.
Then that guy that I like so much dropped me back off at home and drove off into the sunshine, to go back to work.
I supposedly went back to work too, but in reality I didn't.
I took a nap.
But don't tell, ok?
Knim naps, I love naps. Is 9:20 too early for one?