I waited all week long for today.
All week.
A week where I was both spit on AND called a nazi by two different crossing guards.
For reals.
But all week long, I had my eye on the prize.
That guy that I like so much and I got out of the house right after the boys left for school and headed out to breakfast.
An incredible breakfast featuring granola pancakes in front of a roaring fire.

We then walked across the street where I tried not to look at this because I am just not ready yet.
I've got my eye on Thanksgiving....THEN we can start thinking about this:

Full. Caffeinated. Harry Potter.
The movie didn't disappoint. Yes, it was different from the book but I liked it...liked it enough to want to see it again so I can process it some more.
Then we found out my car needed $1500 worth of work which rained a bit on my parade because I am struggling (still) to understand God's plan for our financial well being.
But then we bought 3 caramel apples and the lady gave us a 4th free and then I sat at a neighbors house and she prayed with me and then our family came from the next town over and we had a big 'ole family dinner and then we watched Private Practice with a fire in the fireplace and then I slowly started realizing (again...one of these times it will stick) that I cannot control it all and I just need to let Jesus take the wheel.
I'm working on it.
I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.
Mike and I both loved Deathly Hallows. I thought the slower pacing worked well and it didn't depart too far from the book. It was some of the little stuff I noticed...like I kept waiting for Harry to grab Mad-Eye Moody's eyeball from Umbridge's door and he didn't do it. At the end, it was sooooo sad when Dobby died, even knowing what was going to happen. I am going to see it again with Liz when she comes home this week. I think we'll go see it in the IMAX this time.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You could always listen to Mugglenet.com's chapter-by-chapter anaylsis of the book vs. movie to help you process it. That's what Kate would do if she were here. I am pretty sure she is in Mugglenet withdrawal and will spend days downloading all their podcasts when she returns home next summer.