Saturday, December 12, 2009

Rain and Rain and Rain

It's pouring rain.

It's pouring rain and I cannot, for the life of me find one stinkin' umbrella.


Oh, we own a bazillion of them and if someone, anyone, can tell me where they are, I'd really appreciate it...because the whole idea of spending money on new ones is almost doing me in.

They used to be kept in the hall closet, but we no longer have a hall where did all the stuff go that used to be kept in there?


In the meantime, we are getting wet...though I did tell my boys that everytime they feel rain on them they should think of their baptisms and what it means. Alex was so bold as to tell me that he'd love to think of his baptism with an umbrella over his head...but no dice. I'm not buying new ones unless they are going to be wrapped and put under the tree.

Ho Ho Ho.


In 27 hours, my little 1200 sq ft house will be filled to the gills with approximately 50+ people. But first I have a concert to attend this evening, followed by a cocktail party here. At some point I need to start cooking...yes, I cook the whole meal (and find it enjoyable) and fix our outdoor heater (I hope!) and email neighbors to borrow chairs (in exchange for food) and sweep the floor...because there is no point at all in cleaning the house before college students come over. I love that. Oh, and we still have no Christmas tree and I am pretty sure we won't have one in time for tomorrow's party.

It's just too wet outside.

Wet and blustery. I love blustery, especially when I am inside. I love it even more when I am inside, yet know that I have an umbrella ready to be used need I go out.

Ah well.


1 comment:

  1. Where will you put 50 people if it's raining outside? In our old house, we had about 30 at one party, and our little house couldn't hold any more. We don't have the option of outside, unless you want to dine in the snow! :)


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