Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break, Day 4

If I could find my camera cord, I would post lots of pictures.

But I can't find it.

Maybe it's a sign.


This morning we (the 'we' being Alex, Brian and myself) lounged. And lounged. And made bon bon's (for reals) and licked the bowl. For breakfast.

Cuz's spring break.

I then loaded my car with bikes and razors and skateboards and helmets and the morning was spent at the skatepark where I returned all the phone calls that I have been meaning to return while watching boys perform all kinds of scary (for me) stunts.

Then a trip to Wahoo's for fish and brown rice and black beans...Brian's choice today. When I was 11, my food of choice was fish, too. Not.

But he's a keeper, that's for sure.


Target followed for odds and ends and then home for a few hours to check the status of the bon bon's.

Which were tasty, by the way.

Off again to the chiropractor, home to heat up leftovers (the wine was new, though) and then I was out the door for tea with my two favorite girlfriends.

Tomorrow we're hanging here all day, though I may have to go buy a new camera cord in between loads of laundry and a sweep (or two) of the kitchen floor. Grand plans, I tell ya. Sounds perfect, doesn't it?

Please don't end spring break...please don't end.


  1. you are so cute! A SAHM is a great job..I enjoyed it along wiht a lot of laughs and tears and heave hoe-ings but I would not replace it wth another job given a choice. never. what are bon bons?

    U know ,I ve once had my boys fighting in a department store once,(when they were litle) punching n pulling amoung the clothes racks. everyone just stopped what they were doing,gathered around and watched. It was embarassing and hilarious at the same time! oh those were some days LOL.

    anyway have a good day. your post brought back memories :)

    n thanks for dropping by for the giveaway :) Al the best:)

  2. Thanks for stopping over and entering the giveaway
    best of luck!


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