Happy Easter!
(and a very happy birthday to my father-in-law!)
We decided last night to go to late church, so we had a rather quiet morning at home before hitting the road at 10:00am. Most were happy, though one was upset about the 'no jeans on Easter' rule. Church was awesome and we hung out after with bunches of M's students, catching up and meeting some of their families.
Usually on holidays, we have an open invitation to our home for the students who have no where to go. However, this year there has been so much going on that we decided to hibernate for the day, so for the 1st time in a long time, we have no plans. Just us. The house is clean, the backyard is beautiful, and all is calm.
The weather in our neck of the woods is absolutely glorious, with the highs reaching close to 90. M just left to take Brian swimming, I spent some time watering and weeding the garden, and the older boys are playing wii. Supper tonight is completely nontraditional Easter fare...grilled t-bones, baked potatoes, and roasted asparagus. And a pitcher of Sangria alongside. I had grand plans of making a cheesecake, too, but I'll save it for later this week. Instead, we'll have chocolate 'lava' cakes.
We still need to color eggs, too. They are ready to go, so we'll do that when Brian gets home. Lunch was a huge anti-pasto, eaten while watching Easter Parade. I love the salad scene in that movie...
Lots going on lately. Alex has been asked to play on a new, higher level travel team, so we have some decisions to make regarding that. M has some big things happening at work, which is making him toss and turn at night a bit more than usual. Matthew has chosen his college and the deposit has been sent in...and that school is Concordia. Seems he's come full circle and God's hand has been so evident all along. It's been an amazing process to watch unfold. He had his heart set on another school...so much so that we paid for the whole year of his housing up front, but in the end it was just not meant to be. I have known that this would be a year of changes for our family, so on this day...this Easter, I am thankful for the one constant that we have on this earth...the cross. His life. His death. His resurrection.
Well it's good that Matthew went throug the process before he decided on Concordia.