Friday, January 22, 2010

Play Nice, Please


Rain is falling, hard, outside my window.

Everyone in my family is asleep and I am awake, talking to cats. And watching Real Housewives of Orange County. And sneaking a snickerdoodle. Or three.


I've spent the last hour deleting some of the nastiest comments EVER from Ms Anonymous, who seems to think that attacking my character is cool. And it's not. So there. And why stick around and read 87 posts, leaving 87 nasty comments if you don't like what you are reading...I'm thinking we both have something better to do.

Yep. We do.

Pass the snickerdoodles, please.



  1. Are you able to block Ms. Anonymous?? Or report her??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Use the feature that allow only you to post comments. That way only us crazy relatives can post. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. My comments were posted 5 times, and I didn't hit enter 5 times. Enable the feature where a commenter must type in a word or series of letters in order to post. Maybe that will fix the problem.

  7. Here is some extra love and a big hug coming your way!

  8. How rude. Some people are not happy and they do not want anyone else to be happy either.
    Sorry for that crazy person. The rains have been all over our news over here on the east coast.
    We rise above the unhappy and say a prayer for them.


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