Saturday, January 16, 2010

Back In the Game

After Brian's basketball game this week, we took the younger two boys to The Counter for supper.

And I am in love.

In love with their mini burger/beer sampler (except for the beer on the very left...icky!) and can't wait to go back and order the very same thing. Even the icky beer on the very left, because everything else was perfect.

Except for the picture, that is. My camera is, sadly, on it's last legs.

On Friday, that guy that I like so much played hooky...except I'm not sure it's really called playing hooky after having the last month off and only going back in for one day. But that one day was long enough that convinced him to have one last I'll take it.


The weather was chilly, but we put down the top, turned on the seat warmers and drove north.
Filled up on billion dollar gas...even at my Costco it is $3.05. What's the deal now???
After 20 minutes or so we were at Belmont Shore. Sigh.
And 20 minutes after that? Feasting on a parisan crepe.


Home in time for Brian and then on to the home basketball game...the first one back for Alex. I'll be honest...I almost didn't go. He thought he'd be on the bench but ended up starting and though he came out a little tentative, he played a really good game and scored his home court 3 pointer.

And when he dove for a ball on the floor, I may or may not have yelled, 'watch the knee!'. I can't be sure.


Sadly, it was a little ugly...parents mad about Alex starting and getting so much playing time so fresh off an injury and sadly, it was just ugly.

Here's a few of my #35:

Matthew is off to the first weekend camp for drum corps, Alex is playing basketball with friends, Brian just got home from practice and that guy that I like so much is cleaning the back yard in preparation for the torrential downpours we are supposed to get...they are predicting 6 inches this week alone. Yowza...skip the backyard and build an ark!

And no, I haven't found the umbrella's yet. Better get on that one.

Chicken piccata for supper. Something gooey and chocolate-y for dessert...not sure exactly what yet, but it'll come to me.


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