This week.
This week was, quite simply, splendid.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Figs, fresh from my very own tree. No more begging for other peoples fresh figs...mine are just a few steps away.
Figs. Fresh french goat cheese. If I could purr, I would.
Speaking of purring...yet another bird from my loveable cat. At least this one wasn't inside my shoe, which seems to be the newest fad in cat-land. I hope it passes quickly, just like most fads do.
And then on Wednesday, my world got a whole lot brighter with the arrival of one of my most favorite women. Ever. And her most perfect daughter, who I have known since the day she was born.
Tammy is one of 'those' kind of of those people that every once in awhile you find yourself looking around and thinking, 'oh my...she is MY friend.' I'm not kidding. And I don't once take it for granted.
Alex and McKenzie have known each other since birth and were probably two of the most mischievous children ever to be born. And I am NOT exaggerating.
In the midst of visiting, I walked through the fog to Brian's school to watch his play.
He was an egyptian (and yes, in the craziness of life I had him wear a toga instead of a kilt...I figured no 6th grader would know the difference. And I was right.) and had to memorize a speech and in my moment of bragging here...not a stutter in sight.
That's MY baby.
The egyptian god talking to his best friend, the mummy.
Home to meet up with some of my very favorite now, Chris had flown in (and Kenz had headed off to her softball tourney) and we were a foursome, out to lunch at our favorite fun spot.

Aren't they beautiful?
We ate baked feta, which I dream about night after night.
And I had fresh tomato soup, hidden under a dome of lo-cal, lo-fat puff pastry.
And Tam...who is kind to EVERYONE, felt sorry for the plant at our table who seemed thirsty. So she took water from her own glass and shared it with the plant.
Like, who does that?
(a truly NICE person, that's who.)
Then we drove my big white, gas guzzling car (which now has a rather expensive registration for some reason or another) onto the Balboa ferry...
...and drove across the bay.
And then my shoe broke.
Chris and Tammy and Kenz flew out today and while still weepy, I ran into Trader Joes and found brussel sprouts, which cheered me up just a little.
And then I got sad all over again.
I just miss them so much already...but I am thankful for the time we did have!
So Alex will smile when there is a female around, go figure!
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