Friday, September 6, 2013

Glimpses At Life

The last few weeks have gone by so fast and I was shocked when I walked smack dab into Christmas at Costco yesterday.  September has barely been kissed and we're already at Christmas?

I'm not ready.

I am ready for the routine of school to start.  Brian is gearing up...registration was earlier this week and his birthday, his 15th birthday,  is this weekend.  The first day of school is next Tuesday...and I'm ready.  I think he's ready, too.

First up (and this is a horrible picture and the girls are gonna be mad)...weekly cookie baking, where my kitchen is full of girls and stories and gossip and sometimes a little cat fight (and not between the cats) or two happens.

For a momma of boys?



Look quick.

My little house on my little street was clean.

Life, lately, resembles a frat house.


He and me.  He and I.  Me and him.

Wine in hand, we walked around the lake only to be stopped by two sweet missionaries who saw us as heathen prey and tried to invite us to their church.

He (that guy that I like so much) explained that he was a church worker, sipped his wine, and watched their eyes grow big as saucers.

Thank you, Jesus, for the miracle at the wedding.


The relatives from the North came for the weekend to see friends and surf, crashed with us for a few nights (and were completely understanding of the fact that we were gone every night) and then left for home with our car.  Their car broke down and is in the shop here and we have an extra car right now.

A trade back will happen at some point but in the meantime we get the better deal...their car is fixed and much newer than ours.


Also a win?  Boy cousins. 


Turkish food.


That guy that I like so much and I went on a date we couldn't afford the other night and it was so gosh darn perfect...a warm night, great food, great wine.

But even better was the chance to slow down and sit, to be away from work emails, just us.  I sure do like him and am finding myself missing him.  Sounds strange, but we share so much of ourselves with others that I just needed some time away with him.

I love that he needs that, too.


 Waiting to get my hairs (plural) cut, I came across this.


Makin' it tonight.  Report to follow, but what can be bad?

The first Broncos game was last night and our houseful of boys was full.  Of boys.


It's 4:00am and I cannot sleep.  Because my life cannot seem to be interesting enough, I'm being interviewed in a few hours by a Slovakian news station (about what my company does and how we do it and why we do it) that will air only in Europe...all while I stand on a busy street corner.  And if that doesn't make it crazy enough,  I'll be subtitled.

I'll let you know when it airs...just in case you happen to be in Slovakia sometime soon.


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