Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This Week...So Far

A snail on the family room window.

All together now....ewwwww.


He's still there, by the way. Two days later. Someone (meaning one of the males...and there are a few...that live in my little house) needs to go and knock it down with a broom.


Last night was Irvine's Band Spectacular, where all the high school bands gather and perform for each other (there are 4 high schools in our town) and they invite all the middle schools to come and play a piece with them at the end.

It was exciting because our home high school band just returned from Washington DC where they not only performed at the White House, but they won 1st place in the nation. Very cool.

Anyway, Brian was excited to go...but mainly because they were selling funnel cakes beforehand.

He's easy to please.

(Brian's out there...really, he is!)

This morning came early and I had to be out and about working in the field evaluating crossing guards.


After, I took a little detour into Corner Bakery because let's face it, have you ever tried their oatmeal?

Seriously...have you?


Please do...ok? Better yet, call me when you do and I will join you.

Then I came home and showered and hammered and went to the eye DR (again) and hammered and made supper (roast pork with caramelized onions...the house smells soooo good!) and hammered and thought about making something chocolaty for dessert but we only have one egg so I didn't and hammered and fed snacks to all of Brian's friends.

And now I am going to see what is on Netflix, cuz I am pooped.


How is your week going?


  1. I look forward to your posts so much. Oatmeal...check, will call when I go. :)
    Week going? oi. Full, tiring, awesome, anxiety-filled. Fun, ay? :) Today I stuffed goody bags for our gala at work which occurs Friday. What a day. We get big bucks from "The guild"...Hollywood hot shots or wives of hot shots...can we say, cross-cultural experience?! My new motto is, "My life is never boring and it's never cheap." Today...not boring! :D

  2. I'm home sick! :( and I'm completely bummed about it because today is Halloween parties at our little school and I was going to play games with my little preschoolers. But I'm making the best of it by indulging in TV I normally wouldn't watch.
    Mmmm I LOVE oatmeal!


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