Friday, October 26, 2007

Snow Day!

OK, so it's not really a snow day, but all schools and activities in our town have been cancelled due to poor air quality.

It's a smoke day, which Alex thought was hilarious since it is also Red Ribbon Week. You know, the whole 'Say NO to Drugs' campaign. And it's a smoke day.
(I thought it was kinda funny, too. Doesn't take much.)

So, one mom, who cannot drive and 3 boys.



Michael couldn't get to the exit fast enough this morning. At least he's honest.

Matthew just got in his car and is off to his dad's school for a trumpet lesson and hopefully, if he times it right, lunch with dad in the caf.

Alex and his tribe are playing basketball outside in poor air quality. I caved. In my defense, have you ever been inside with Alex for more than an hour? All sports have been cancelled all week, and at school, they've been shut up inside.
So this morning, I let the bird out of the cage.
Fly, my son, fly.

Brian has the house to himself. And mom to himself. Life, in his eyes, at this moment, is perfect. Simple pleasures.

Last night was our last delivered meal. A neighbor brought over minestrone and bread and it was so great. I'm looking forward to lunch today!

I sent the boys to the store yesterday afternoon and they called me in hysterics. Alex said, "MOM! They sell green a can!"

Food snobs.

My children have never had a canned veggie. Except for tomatoes and artichokes. So last night, as they were eating eggplant, zucchini, lentils, and spinach in their soup, Alex could not get over the fact that there is a WHOLE aisle at the store full of canned vegetables.

Before you think I'm saying how healthy we are, guess what they were eating last night before bed?

Cocoa Krispies!
Hey, it was with milk!


Back to today. Brian and I did some laundry and now he's playing video games. I think we'll make some cookies for Halloween...not the baking part, but the cookie cutter part. Other than that, it's another jammie day!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Coco Krispies were with CHOCOLATE milk - it makes it extra chocolate-y.


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