Friday, August 9, 2013

This Week

I've been MIA.  Not from life, but from my little piece of the internet.


This week there was my new favorite cocktail...a sidecar.  Not that I could ever order one outside of my little house on my little street, simply because that guy that I like so much custom makes it for me.

Extra sweet, just like his wife.

Maybe that's a hint?  A reminder?

Whatever it is...I like it.  A lot.

 Summertime is in full swing for the littlest shrub.  No school.  No basketball.  

Just a few week of being a bum.

Life...well, life is just good.

There was a massive pasta making party.  Flour was...and will be for years to come, everywhere.

Worth it.


There was a quiet night featuring carrot cake and The Bachelorette.

I like quiet nights.  I like carrot cake.

I'm on the fence about that TV show.

Lunch with a girlfriend involving a really great beet salad.  And homemade potato chips with blue cheese.  And good conversation.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Alex and his friends had to be at Union Station in Los Angeles at 6:00am on Thursday morning, which meant we had to be on the road by 5:00am.  I had to be up there anyway...but had close to 4 hours of time to kill before my work meeting.  I decided to swing by the big cathedral and made it in time for early morning mass and it was...perfect.

I have missed my time with God this summer and I'm completely at a loss as to why He hasn't been a priority in my life at a time when I actually had all the time in the world.  It makes me sad...the good kind of sad where I have decided to change that.

Mass was quiet and beautiful.  There's something about kneeling in's humbling.  I left feeling very, very centered.

There were hours upon hours spent in my car this week.  HOURS.  Satellite radio is my very, very best friend when I am on the road...she never lets me down.

I'm easily entertained.

Tammy...she's here.  With me.  All weekend.

Happy doesn't even begin to explain how I'm feeling.


And now?  Well, my weekend begins now.  No great plans...just lots of beach time and girl time and garden time and family time and friend time.



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