I always find it interesting when people start talking about the area of the country where that guy that I like so much and I live.
I mean, if you don't like it...why live here? And how much negative energy can you spew?
As for me, I am one of those who never, ever would have chosen to live here. In fact, when we found out we were moving and after jumping up and down and being thrilled, I cried.
Southern California.
But if you flip your thinking a bit and realize that this is where we've been planted by God...well, it becomes a pretty gosh darn incredible place to call home.
Yep, the real estate prices are crazy. Earthquakes, even though we've only experienced 2 in the 14 years we've been here, are always a thought. Santa Ana winds and wildfires? Yearly happenings.
But if you let yourself truly believe that this is where God has called you to be...well, you just might start seeing the good.
I know I have.
Not the best picture, but the hills are gloriously green around here...all that rain was so worth it!
(and Karen? God is going to plant you somewhere incredible. Really!)
Last night was a concert up the hill at the university...and let me just say again, I love my husbands job. And his students. A lot.
I then stayed up way too late and woke up way too early.
Oh well.
It's a long awaited pancake morning in our little house on our little street....in other words, basketball season has ended and the youngest shrub's wish has come true.
Chocolate chip pancakes and cartoons and no reason to get dressed.

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