After gently shoo-ing the boys out the door for week is the last full week, M and packed up and went on a field trip.
So much to little time.
The biggest task was figuring out and researching graduation gifts...we have 2 graduates this time around and I am pretty sure we have it all worked out. Looks like I am getting a new graduation gift, too, but I can't tell you about it until next week because the real graduates in this house sometimes read this blog.
But I think they'll be happy.
That errand took more than an hour, so we had to stop for lunch in order to keep the grump-ies away. Lo and behold, there is a rather new Pacific Whey Bakery near where we were, and let me tell you, no one leaves Pacific Whey grumpy. The food there is amazing, but the red velvet cupcake? OH MY. Yum, yum, yummy.
I guess that was the extent of our field trip. Hmmmm. M dropped me at home and whisked himself off to a meeting, so I watered my garden and was happy to see that it has perked up a bit. Just a bit, but a bit is better than nothing. After, I went to a neighbors for a nice visit and now Brian and I are home and he is eating a popsicle.
Bored yet?
We had an invite to the symphony and dinner tonight and declined. Another invite for dinner tomorrow night and we declined that one, too. And the invite for Sunday? Declined.
I cannot keep up with everything, so while we really, really want to hang with the friends who invited us, we need a few nights to regroup. Summer is a mere 13 days away for us. 13 more days until lazy nights lead to lazy mornings which will lead to lazy afternoons with lemonade.
With our new air conditioning. The kind that works.
Let me guess, you are getting a daughter-in-law!