Matthew's plane caught a huge tail wind from Florida and they landed 30 minutes early. The rest of the boys and I met up with them at church in Long Beach and we were all there together.
Which was all that I wanted for Christmas.
It was a great service and afterwards we stuck around to talk with lots of family and friends.
Which is just how I had hoped it would be.
Off to Maggiano's, for our 7:15 dinner reservation, which left us just enough time to take an updated boys photo.
Being the children of us, they know the words to every Frank Sinatra song and aren't afraid to belt them out. In public.
Chicken Saltimbocca. Perfect. =0)
Home for the 'only one present on Christmas Eve' present. Brian's thrilled.And THEN, I noticed my sons pants. Can you guess which son? He actually wore basketball shorts under his saggy jeans...TO CHURCH. A few days later and his Grandpa handed him a piece of rope for his pants. It worked!
Full and sleepy, we watched It's a Wonderful Life.
Cuz it is.
But short hair is for dorks! (that's what Andrew told me. He forgot to tell the woman cutting his hair he just wanted a TRIM. He got it CUT). Then there's Matt, who prefers military style hair cuts. He doesn't care what others think, after all, computer nerds rule the world.