Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Still Tuesday

It's late, but I haven't blogged in a few days. My body is tired, but my mind keeps going and going...you know the story.

M is on break this week, a much needed break. There's alot going on at work and he's enjoying the chance to be home. Next weekend it all begins...concert after concert after concert. Plus a few more. He's tackled the backyard and has been driving me all over town in his really cute car. We even ventured to Peets this morning for coffee and the guy working there knew his name...he used to work at Starbucks. Too funny.

I had my final post-op appointment yesterday. Yet another 2 weeks of recovery because apparently I am doing too much.


I think the stress of The Bachelor just caught up with me. What's up with him?
And yes, I realize that I need to get a life!


Matthew's car has been towed to the community college a few towns away. They are in the process of working on it and have told us it should be ready in a week or so. For free. Well, for free labor...we buy the parts. Unbelievable. All applications are in for college, so that is a relief. He'll get accepted everywhere he chose to apply, so now we have time to make more thorough visits of the dorms. In the end he only applied to 4 schools, all relatively local, including our very own private Christian school on the hill.

Alex had a great practice last night and started on a 5on 5 league after school today. He's keeping up with school and I received 2 calls today from teachers...good calls. I knew I would. =0)

Brian had a final try-out for All-Stars and didn't make it. He was totally OK with it...Jack, his best friend didn't make it either. So we are now back to basketball, which means I am at the gym 7 days a week until April. At least it's warm!

M and I ran a bunch of errands today and took a teeny tiny break at our favorite Mexican place for Lobster Bisque. Supper tonight was from the February 2002 issue of Bon Appetit, and the page is so spotted you can tell it is a loved recipe. Chianti braised stuffed chicken...a favorite of my darling husband's. Such a yummy recipe. Tomorrow is a no cooking day for me and on Thursday? Well let's just say that I am still figuring out how long to cook the 25lb turkey I bought.

And now? Now I am off to dream land!

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