I'm dreaming of summer...both night dreaming AND day dreaming. This is my quiet week at work...the week before I officially shut down for a few weeks and soak in the real quiet. But until then, there are things to be done...paperwork to be completed, files to be filed, emails to be sent, school start-up trips to be planned.
I'm tired and more than ready for a break.
So today, we decided to play. Hello, Disneyland!
Our friends from Indiana were visiting the parks, so one of Alex's friends signed us in for the day. We gave up our annual passes last month after a decade (or two) of having them...the prices kept creeping up and with work and life and the removal of the 3-hour free parking, we found we weren't using them as much as we used to.
So today was special. We were only there for about 4 hours and it was lovely. Crowded, but lovely. I'm excited to miss it and know that we won't be away forever.
Today is our 32nd wedding anniversary. I love this picture of us...blurry, half my face, that guy that I like so much laughing. It's just us.
We don't have a secret...we've just been blessed. Raising a houseful of boys is HARD, church work is hard, having a mortgage is hard. But it's fun to do the journey together...to be in it so long now as to know the way to phrase things to sway the vote your way, to know when to just shrug your shoulders and give in, to look at the clock in the mid-afternoon and know that in a few short hours the 'real' part of our day will begin. The part that revolves around just being together, sharing a prayer, eating a meal, loving on whoever walks through the door.
So Happy Anniversary to us. Here's to 32 more.

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