Thursday, May 14, 2009


What a great way to start the morning...with warm from the oven orange muffins.

Oh wait...I just baked them and then went to the gym.  There are only a couple left, so I am assuming they were good.  I'll know soon...I am going to eat one for lunch, along with a diet coke.

It is that time of year...that time where I am tired of making school lunches.  Tired, tired, tired.

Is it summer yet?  
After the gym I ran into Target (needed shampoo, toothpaste and tootsie rolls...all necessities of life) and I kept noticing this, ummmm....strange smell.  Every aisle I went down and it was there.

And then I realized that it was ME.

Oops!  Nothing like that lovely SWEAT smell!


Came home and watered the newest plants in my garden and picked this strange looking beast.  Any guesses?
Isn't she purty?  I've been waiting (and so has the hollandaise sauce!) for a long, long time for it to ripen.

Brian is bringing a friend home from school, Alex has therapy again ($$ chu-ching! $$) and Matthew is moving home bit by bit.  That guy that I like so much is barely holding on...but summer is coming.  

Summer is coming.  

Summer is coming.  


1 comment:

  1. Matthew's piles of stuff look so small compared to Liz's piles of stuff! She got home very late Wednesday night and is now laying on the coach in a fog after getting her four wisdom teeth pulled this morning under general anesthesia. She leaves for her job at camp next Friday, so some of it may never get unpacked, and some of it will be repacked. Good thing we've got a basement!


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