Time for the drive home. We passed a lot of fun places on the way up, so we decided to take a few 'field trips' on the way south. The first stop was the Madonna Inn, which we discovered while traveling with friends many, many years ago. It's worth a stop just to go to the bathroom, especially if you are a boy. (I actually went in there while in college, but I was too chicken this time.) It's just one of those places you have to see in order to believe!
Normal looking sign!
Normal looking front doors open to...
PINK! Everything pink! Joanna commented that she had never seen so many twinkly lights puked up in one place...lol! My favorite are the pink leather booths!
But the best part is the mens room. There is a waterfall urinal that is every boys dream, though none of them would pose for a picture, so they got Logan to do it! I promise to remove this picture when he gets older, but I love it!

Next stop was the Laetitia winery. After all that pink, we needed a drink! =0)

So beautiful...it's located on top of a hill near Paso Robles.

Our cars!

Pretty kitty!

Tasting! Micahel and I did the sparkling tasting and ended up joining their champagne club, so we'll be getting a fun surprise in the mail this December. We took the 1st shipment with us, so we have 4 bottles waiting to be opened!

Last stop...blueberries! Joanna and I had both noticed it on the way up to Cambria, and we just had to stop.

They give you buckets and point to the fields. We were the only families there...probably because it was the middle of the afternoon and very, very hot!

Alex picking. He basically picked one for the bucket, then one to eat!

And yes, I used the slightly slanted porta potty!

This is half the berries we brought home...the other half are already in the freezer. They are so sweet and juicy...the boys cannot stop eating them!
(Matthew update...they are now in Ohio and tonight scored their highest score yet. Only 3 more days until he's back home, though he won't really be 'home' until mid-August...but at least he'll be close!)
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