Cough. Cough.
Sniffle. Sniffle.
That pretty much sums up life in our house right now.
The other big news in our little house on our little street...for the first time in TWENTY years, we were not out trick or treating with one of our shrubs.
Somehow when I wasn't looking they all grew up.
But then there is the fun of it demonstrated by my youngest son, who is 12.
Our neighbor threw together this costume in 5 minutes flat and when Brian came home, even his own dad didn't recognize him.

The oldest and the youngest...the middle was at a party down the street.

Matthew brought home all his roommates for dinner and then even more students showed up trick or treating, so we ended up with a houseful.
I am off work tomorrow but the boys have school...wish they had off, too.
Oh'll just be me at home. Alone. Me and their candy bags.

Brian looks WAY too pretty.....beware candy bags....and BTW I get up at 5 every school day (this is actually a comment on your previous post).