Monday, November 1, 2010

Let's Go!

It's here.


And the best part of November?

Yes, once again I am going to attempt (with attempt being the key word here) to write 50,000 words (which is considered a novel) in the next 30 days.

I've got a few obstacles...a husband and three sons, a small business that is at its busiest in November, a planned vacation, and a regular school day job.


But I'm going to try.

And I've already beat my year 2 word count, which totaled 14 (laundry detergent, shampoo, toilet paper, pasta, sugar, new shoes for Alex, call the dentist) during a year when that list was all I could handle....cuz so far, I've written an outline.

A real outline towards a novel.

It's not any good, but it's a start.

Insomnia is serving me well right now.


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